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Taiwanese glove puppetry has undergone a series of impressive transformations since it first set foot on the island in the mid-18th century, given the island’s rich colonial history. Therefore, the history as well as the development of the Taiwanese glove puppetry is a topic that raised interest among many scholars, who have thoroughly studied and discussed the Chinese origin of this folk art and its unique localization in Taiwan. However, while ample research has been done on the history of Taiwanese glove puppetry, very few focused on the translation of the traditional performing art. Owing to the rich cultural reference and the complex language situation, Taiwanese glove puppetry certainly does not present an easy task for translators. This paper, therefore, gives an annotated English translation of one episode from one of the most popular glove puppetry series in Taiwan, the Pili glove puppetry series. Spoken in the Taiwanese language, the glove puppetry series employs Mandarin Chinese subtitles, which this paper aims to translate into an accessible English text. The purpose of this paper is to attract greater attention to this Taiwanese folk art and prove the translatability of such culturally challenging text. With the experience, more research can be carried out in the future to focus on the English translation of Taiwanese glove puppetry, and hopefully introduce this Taiwanese-speaking art to more audience from other parts of the world.



臺灣布袋戲, 翻譯, 譯注, 字幕, Taiwanese glove puppetry, translation, annotated translation, subtitle

