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本研究旨在探討圖畫書教學對國小低年級學童創造力的影響, 同時也探究學生的學習感受、研究者的教學成長及圖畫書教學的限制與因應。本研究採取行動研究的方式,以台北縣某國小二年級學童為研究對象,接受約四個月的圖畫書教學方案課程。
研究者除了以Torrance的「陶倫斯擴散思考測驗圖形版」對研究對象進行創造力前後測評分,採無母數統計方法中的wilcoxon 考驗進行分析;同時配合自編之「閱讀學習單」、「學習回饋表」、『學生作品」、「訪談」、『學生觀察紀錄表』、「教師省思札記」等相關質性資料,提供多面向的資料回饋與檢證,藉此了解圖畫書教學方案對學生創造力成效之參考。研究結果如下:
最後, 研究者再根據研究發現與結論,對教學者與未來研究者提出建議。
關鍵字: 圖畫書、圖畫書教學、創造力、行動研究
The objective of this research is to analyze the influence of Picture Books Instruction on the creativity of lower primary students. The researcher also observes the reaction of the students throughout the teaching learning process, the limitation and adaptability of picture books instruction. The method implemented to conduct the research is Action Research. The target respondents are the second grade students of a primary school in Taipei County, who accepted the picture books instruction for consecutive 4 months. This study used “Figural Torrance Test of Creative Thinking” to score the students’ creativity before and after the picture books instruction. In addition, one of the nonparametric statistics tests, Wilcoxon Test, is adopted to analyze the data. Meanwhile, this study used other materials, such as the List of Reading Material, Feedback on Learning, Students’ Work, Interview, Student Observation Report and Notes of the Teachers’ Introspection to have a broader perspective. These materials are the references to understand the influence of picture books instruction upon the students’ creativity. The results of the research are as follows: 1.The picture books instruction could inspire the students’ fluency, flexibility, originality and elaboration in creativity thinking. a)The picture books instruction pays attention to the development of an individual’s development of cognition and experience of life. It helps to expand the students’ fluency in thinking. b)The picture books instruction combines a multiform of activities. It helps to enhance the student’s flexibility in thinking. c)The picture books instruction focuses on the learning through aesthetic feeling, in order to affirm the students’ originality. d)The picture books instruction emphasizes on two-way-communication between the teacher and students, and the camaraderie aroused through study group. It helps enhance the students’ elaboration in creativity thinking. 2.The picture books instruction could enhance the students’ reading comprehension and joy of aesthetic reading. 3.Teachers set a good example of efferent and aesthetic reading by providing a supportive environment, filled with respect, forgiveness and happiness. This encourages the students to imitate the teacher and adapt the right attitude toward creativity thinking. 4.Picture Books Instruction helps to transform the teachers’ habitual teaching , and deepen their understanding of teachers’ role in students’ learning. This will definitely enhance the teachers’ knowledge and capability of creative teaching. Finally, based on the findings and conclusions, suggestions for educators and future study are provided . It is expected that primary school teachers could pay more attention to the influence of picture books instruction upon the lower standard students’ creativity. Keywords: Picture book, Picture Books Instruction, Creativity, Action Research
The objective of this research is to analyze the influence of Picture Books Instruction on the creativity of lower primary students. The researcher also observes the reaction of the students throughout the teaching learning process, the limitation and adaptability of picture books instruction. The method implemented to conduct the research is Action Research. The target respondents are the second grade students of a primary school in Taipei County, who accepted the picture books instruction for consecutive 4 months. This study used “Figural Torrance Test of Creative Thinking” to score the students’ creativity before and after the picture books instruction. In addition, one of the nonparametric statistics tests, Wilcoxon Test, is adopted to analyze the data. Meanwhile, this study used other materials, such as the List of Reading Material, Feedback on Learning, Students’ Work, Interview, Student Observation Report and Notes of the Teachers’ Introspection to have a broader perspective. These materials are the references to understand the influence of picture books instruction upon the students’ creativity. The results of the research are as follows: 1.The picture books instruction could inspire the students’ fluency, flexibility, originality and elaboration in creativity thinking. a)The picture books instruction pays attention to the development of an individual’s development of cognition and experience of life. It helps to expand the students’ fluency in thinking. b)The picture books instruction combines a multiform of activities. It helps to enhance the student’s flexibility in thinking. c)The picture books instruction focuses on the learning through aesthetic feeling, in order to affirm the students’ originality. d)The picture books instruction emphasizes on two-way-communication between the teacher and students, and the camaraderie aroused through study group. It helps enhance the students’ elaboration in creativity thinking. 2.The picture books instruction could enhance the students’ reading comprehension and joy of aesthetic reading. 3.Teachers set a good example of efferent and aesthetic reading by providing a supportive environment, filled with respect, forgiveness and happiness. This encourages the students to imitate the teacher and adapt the right attitude toward creativity thinking. 4.Picture Books Instruction helps to transform the teachers’ habitual teaching , and deepen their understanding of teachers’ role in students’ learning. This will definitely enhance the teachers’ knowledge and capability of creative teaching. Finally, based on the findings and conclusions, suggestions for educators and future study are provided . It is expected that primary school teachers could pay more attention to the influence of picture books instruction upon the lower standard students’ creativity. Keywords: Picture book, Picture Books Instruction, Creativity, Action Research
圖畫書, 圖畫書教學, 創造力, 行動研究, Picture book, Picture Books Instuction, Creativity, Action Research