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高中職學校體育組長工作壓力之研究 中華民國九十三年六月 研 究 生:林耿宏 指導教授:程紹同 摘 要 本研究旨在了解高中職學校體育組長之工作壓力情形,研究對象為全國之高中職學校體育組長474人,並以工作壓力量表為研究工具進行調查,根據實際調查所蒐集之資料,分別以算術平均數、標準差、t 考驗、單因子變異數分析、迴歸分析等統計方法進行處理,結果發現: 1.高中職學校體育組長整體工作壓力感受屬中下程度。 2.不同個人背景變項中,有年齡、年資、組長年資及教育背景等四項,在工作壓力上達顯著的差異。 3.不同環境因素背景變項中,僅學校規模一項,在工作壓力上達顯著的差異。 4.預測造成體育組長最大工作壓力之組合,結果以年資未滿五年,服務於其他類學校之組合最大。 關鍵字:工作壓力、高中職學校、體育組長
Research on the Work Stress of Physical Education Directors at Senior High Schools and Vocational High Schools Ling, Keng-Hung Advisor: Cheng, Shao-Tung Ph.D. June 30, 2004 Abstract The study aimed to understand the current work stress of physical education directors at the senior high schools and vocational high schools. The subjects included 474 physical education directors from the senior high schools and vocational high schools nation wide. The “Work Stress Inventory” was adopted as the research instrument, and the data was analyzed by mean values, standard deviation, T-test, one-way ANOVA, and multiple regression. The findings are summarized as follows: 1.The overall work stress of physical education directors at the senior high schools and vocational high schools is at the intermediate and lower level. 2.Under the variable of personal background, four independent variables were found significant difference in work stress, which are ages, years of teaching career, years of being physical education directors, and education background. 3.Under the variable of environmental background, only one independent variable, which is the school size and scale, makes significant difference in work stress. 4.In terms of the combination of factors resulting in work stress, it could be predicted that the physical education directors with less than five years of teaching experience at other kinds of high schools are confronted with the utmost work stress. Key words: work stress, senior high school, vocational high school, director of physical education division.



高中職體育組長, 教師工作壓力, 高中職學校





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