

中文摘要 本研究的目的是要從學生獨立研究的學習歷程中,去探討課程實踐的相關議題,分別為課程的相關要素、學生學習上的困難與需求及學生學習成效。本研究以自編「獨立研究課程」,對十二位國小高年級資優生,進行「獨立研究教學」。學習歷程中,強調學生自主學習的引導,並運用行動研究法,以平舖直述的方式,展現教與學的關鍵、師生互動情境等。 研究結果如下: 一、獨立研究課程的相關要素有五:1.符合資優生適性教育的指標、2.嚴謹的課程規劃、3.學生的自我評量與反思、4.隨學生學習需求而調整教學及.5絕對完成原則。 二、學生獨立研究學習歷程中,有八個關卡會遭遇到困難,包含:1.選擇研究主題、2.研究文獻的篩選、3.擬定研究目的與問題、4.摘錄與統整資料、5.研究方法的運用、6.研究進度、7.撰寫研究報告、8.研究成果發表;學習歷程中的需求有1.認知需求:建立學習的機制,營造教學情境,讓學生對整個學習活動能有具體的圖像、2.技能需求:除了熟稔研究技能外,有效的策略更是學習成功的關鍵、3.情意需求:讓學生在學習過程中,對自己的能力與成果作自我評量與反思,以增進自我效能、自我監控的能力。 三、十二位學生獨立研究的學習成效,則是歷經初階和進階兩階段,共完成了十九個研究主題;學生研究能力的評量結果,大多落在崔分格(D.J.Treffinger)自我引導模式(Self Directed Learning Model)中,能力指標自我引導2和自我引導3的等級。 關鍵字:資優生、獨立研究、學習歷程、學習成效。
英文摘要 Abstract The purpose of this research is to discuss related issues of curriculum practice including relating factors of courses, difficulties and needs in student's study, and the effect of student’s learning through student's independent study learning process. Hereby design "independent research course" and carry out "independent study lesson" toward twelve gifted students who are in the 5th to 6th grade. The learning procedure place emphasis on guidance of student's self learning; meanwhile, Action Research is applied to show key factors within teaching and learning, interact between teacher and student, and so on. Result of the research: 1. There are five relating factors within independent research course – (1) agreeable to the target of gifted students’ differential education, (2) strict lesson planning, (3) self-grading and self-examination of the student, (4) amending teaching due to student's learning necessity and (5) the principle of absolute completion. 2. There are eight stages within student's independent research learning process which will encounter difficulties includes: (1)selection of research subject, (2)sifting of reference, (3)redaction of purpose and question, (4)extraction and organization of material, (5)usage of research approach, (6)process of research, (7)writing of report of the research, (8) enunciation of result; Meanwhile, necessities during learning procedure are: (1)cognitive necessity – establish learning mechanism, create teaching environment, in order to give a concrete image of the whole learning activity to students. (2)Technical necessity - besides acquiring research technique, efficient strategy is the very key to successful learning, and (3)Emotional necessity – which enable students to self-evaluate and self-reflection, in order to enhance the ability of self-efficiency and self-reflect during the learning process. 3. The effect of learning of student's independent research is that all twelve students, through primary and advanced stage, completed a total of nineteen subjects. Results of student research ability grading mostly falls upon D. J. Treffinger’s Self Directed Learning Model, the Level of competency self-directed 2.& Self-directed 3. Key Words : Gifted student、 Independent study、 Learning process、 Learning effect



資優生, 獨立研究, 學習歷程, 學習成效, Gifted student, Independent study, Learning process, Learning effect





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