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本研究以價值網之架構為基礎,分析國內兩大體育臺以達成本研究之三項目的:一、探討兩大體育臺開臺以來之競合模式;二、探討數位革命的推展對國內兩大體育臺之影響;三、思考數位革命中,在國內兩大體育臺的競合模式下,其可能的「新價值」。在研究方法上,本研究採取次級資料分析法以及深入訪談法,次級資料分析上,主要以平面資料與電子檔案資料為蒐集範疇,包括碩博士論文、期刊、報章雜誌等。將搜集到之資料進行編碼,並將經過編碼的資料放置在價值網之適當位置上加以比較,再佐以半結構式訪談資料,用編輯式分析法分析兩體育臺之競合模式;最後併以產業價值鏈分析來探討數位革命的大環境對國內兩大體育臺之影響。藉由資料的分析與歸納,研究結果如下:1、緯來體育臺從1997年開臺以天價取得中華職棒轉播權以跟當時之年代體育臺相抗衡,直至近期購入HD轉播車、高速攝影機以製播賽事。其深耕本土、專業製播技術為其核心競爭力。2、愛爾達體育臺則以HD、3D等數位技術為核心競爭力,但在國內賽事的轉播尚需依賴其它製播單位。3、兩體育臺在轉播權上與替代者易產生競爭關係,但偶而亦會形成潛在競爭,甚至是互補的合作關係。4、競合關係之判斷與價值網中的顧客 (廣告、收視率) 息息相關。各賽事、節目的競合模式都不同。5、在數位革命中,兩體育臺直接面對的問題是頻道價值稀釋、節目需求量大、廣告成長不明朗、後勤支援繁瑣,上述問題不乏與法規不符時代有關。望法規修訂後可為兩大體育臺創造出新的價值,穩固經營,帶動節目品質的提昇。
This research is based on Value Net raised by Brandenburger and Nalebuff (1996) in the book of “Co-opetition”. The two sports channels are put on the center of Value Net to achieve three purposes in this research. 1. To discuss the coopetition Modes of two sports channels since commence. 2. To debate the impacts digital revolution will bring to two sports channels. 3. Deliberate the possible “new value” under two sports channels’ coopetition Modes in digital revolution。This research adopts documentary analysis, which mainly based on media information and electronic information, including theses and dissertations, journal, newspaper and magazine. Coding all the data obtained and put each code on the proper position on Value Net to compare, then implement editing analysis to analyze two sports channels’ coopetition modes. Value chain analysis discusses the impact digital revolution brings to the two sports channels. Based on the analysis and results of data, this research concludes that since Videoland Sports Channel secured the Broadcast right of CPBL in 1997 to compete with ERA sports channel, and recently bought HD outside broadcasting truck and High-Speed cameras for broadcast, its core values are the professional producing ability and localization. On the other hand, the core value of ELTA sports channel is it’s digital technology such as Digital Convergence, HD and 3D, but it still needs to rely on other channels for broadcasting domestic games. The competition on the broadcast right is generated between these two sports channels, but the complementary cooperation may sometimes happened as all the factors including customers and commercials in Value Net will affect the result. All the games and TV programs’ coopetition modes could vary. In digital revolution, two sports channels face the issues of the dilution of channel value, quantities demanded for programs, limited growth of commercials, and complicated back office support, and all the above mentioned issues are related to the inconsistence with regulation. Wish the amendment of regulatory could create new value to two sports channels, and further in operating steady and promoting the quality of programs.



競合, 價值網, 緯來體育, 愛爾達體育, coopetition, value net, Videoland sports channel, ELTA sports channel





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