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本研究旨為探討大臺北地區網球運動參與者涉入程度與網球拍品牌忠誠度之關係研究,以大臺北地區網球運動參與者為研究對象,採用便利抽樣的方式進行問卷調查,共回收436份問卷,所得資料以統計軟體PASW 18.0 for windows進行描敘述性統計、項目分析、信度分析、因素分析、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析與多元逐步迴歸分析,並得到以下結論:一、大臺北地區網球運動參與者以20~29歲之男性大專院校學生為主,月收入多為15,000元以下,每週參與網球運動次數以1~2次為主,球齡多為2~5年,可以接受購買一支網球拍的價格以4,001~5,000元為主,最主要使用的網球拍品牌多為Wilson;二、大臺北地區網球運動參與者之涉入程度在「重要性」構面之涉入程度最高,其次為「愉悅性」構面;三、大臺北地區網球運動參與者之網球拍品牌忠誠度在「口碑推薦」構面的同意程度最高,其次為「再購意願」構面;四、大臺北地區網球運動參與者之人口統計變項對於大臺北地區網球運動參與者之涉入程度的差異分析上,在年齡、最高學歷、每月月收入、職業與最主要使用的網球拍品牌上均無顯著差異;在每週參與網球運動次數、球齡與可以接受購買一隻網球拍的價格上,在「重要性」、「愉悅性」、「中心性」與「風險性」上皆有顯著差異;五、大臺北地區網球運動參與者之人口統計變項對於大臺北地區網球運動參與者之網球拍品牌忠誠度的差異分析上,在性別、年齡、每月月收入、職業、每週參與網球運動次數、與最主要使用的網球拍品牌上均無顯著的差異;在最高學歷與球齡上,「價格容忍度」有顯著差異,在可以接受購買一隻網球拍的價格上,「口碑推薦」與「價格容忍度」皆有顯著的差異;六、大臺北地區網球運動參與者涉入程度對於網球拍品牌忠誠度預測結果中,整體解釋力為16.2%,其中以「風險性」之預測力最強,其次為「中心性」及「重要性」。有鑑於此,本研究提出以下建議:一、女性網球運動參與者較少,但女性在網球拍品牌忠誠度構面平均分數有不錯的表現,故女性網球拍消費市場是有待國內網球拍業者開發的新市場;二、大臺北地區網球運動參與者中學生族群眾多,且在品牌忠誠度構面裡「口碑推薦」同意程度最高,故建議國內網球拍業者可以針對學生族群提出促銷方案,除鞏固此市場外,並可以透過其口碑推薦來提升其市場佔有率;三、本研究證實網球運動的涉入程度與網球拍品牌忠誠度存在正向相關,涉入程度的高低相對的也影響其網球拍品牌忠誠度高低,因此若國內網球拍業者欲推廣各品牌之網球拍,可透過舉辦各種行銷活動來增加民眾對於網球拍的接觸,進而擴展其市場。
The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship among tennis involvement and brand loyalty of the tennis racket of players in Taipei. The subject were tennis players in Taipei who have the experience purchasing tennis rackets before. 436 tennis players were sampled and given by convenience sampling. The collected data was analyzed by PASW 18.0 for windows. The results were as following: (1) the main tennis players were male, 20~29 years old, senior and graduated students, the monthly salary was mainly under $15,000 NT Dollars, mainly played tennis 1~2 times a week, mainly length of playing tennis was 2~5 years, the mainly acceptable price of buying a tennis racket was $4,001~$5,000 NT Dollars, the mainly brand of tennis rackets is Wilson; (2) in the tennis involvement of the tennis players in Taipei, interest factor scored highest point; (3) in the brand loyalty of the tennis racket of the tennis players in Taipei, intention to recommend scored highest ; (4) varied tennis players’ demographics toward the tennis involvement was significantly different; (5) varied tennis players’ demographics toward the brand loyalty of the tennis racket was significantly different; (6) the tennis involvement were predictor for the brand loyalty of tennis racket. Base on the results, suggestions were as following: (1) the marketer should focus on female tennis players and market segmentation; (2) the mainly tennis players in Taipei are students, and intention to recommend scored highest in brand loyalty of the tennis racket, marketers should provide students special discount and student promotion; (3) marketers should promote brand of tennis rackets for awareness.



網球運動參與者, 涉入程度, 品牌忠誠度, tennis players, involvement, brand loyalty

