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隨著人們健康意識的提升,政府對於國民體能的重視程度也隨之升高,健康的體魄儼然是國家發展的重要基石,回顧相關文獻,運動休閒對人們帶來的好處很多,但仍有許多人無法規律參與運動,這可能歸咎於參與者受到休閒阻礙的干擾,特別以女性來說,社會、文化、家庭等因素影響,受到的阻礙較男性多,因此本研究以女性為標的,進一步瞭解女性參與運動休閒動機、休閒阻礙以及涉入程度三者間的關係。 本研究針對前往臺北市運動中心運動且年滿20歲以上之女性進行調查,共發放500份問卷,回收有效問卷447份,並透過描述性統計、皮爾森積差相關以及階層迴歸進行資料分析結果如下: 一、前往運動中心參與運動休閒之女性,平均每週運動2.73次、每周運動143.34分鐘。 二、休閒動機與涉入程度間具有顯著之正相關。 三、休閒阻礙與涉入程度具有部分顯著負相關。 四、休閒動機能顯著正向預測涉入程度,而休閒阻礙能顯著負向預測涉入程度。 五、內在阻礙與結構阻礙在休閒動機與涉入程度間扮演了部份調節的效果。 研究結果顯示阻礙是影響涉入程度的重要因素,因此若想提升運動涉入程度,必須設法降低參與者的休閒阻礙,再由政府政策、運動產業的協助,一同降低女性休閒阻礙。
The government pay more and more attention to promote nationals’ physical fitness in wake of the rising awareness of health. National Health is very important for country’s development. Through reviewing literature about leisure, there were many benefits with Sport and Leisure Activity. But many people couldn’t exercise regularly. The reason why people couldn’t involve the Sport and Leisure Activity which they like frequently might due to the Leisure Constraint. Especially to female, the values of social, culture and family increased their awareness of Leisure Constraint than male. This main purpose of this research was to explore the relationship between Leisure Motivation, Involvement and Leisure Constraint. This study used questionnaires and 500 questionnaires were sent out and 447 questionnaires were completely returned from 10 Taipei Sports Center. Using SPSS statistical software, through descriptive statistics, Pearson product -moment correlation and multiple hierarchical regression analysis. The results of the study were that 1. Female who was used to go to Sports Center average exercise 2.73 times and 143.34 minute every week. 2. The Leisure Motivation was significantly positive correlated with Involvement. 3. The Leisure Constraint was significantly negative correlated with Involvement. 4. The Leisure Motivation could significantly predict Involvement. And The Leisure could significantly predict Involvement. 5. The Intrapersonal Constraints and had Structural Constraints had partial moderating effect between Leisure Motivation and Involvement. According to the results the Leisure Constraints was the important factor to effect Involvement. Therefore, in order to promote the Sport and Leisure Activity involvement of female. Trying to reduce their Leisure Constraints is the primary goal. And rely on the government and the sports industry together to reduce the female constraint.



臺北市運動中心, 休閒動機, 休閒阻礙, 涉入程度, Taipei Sports Center, Leisure Motivation, Involvement, Leisure Constraint

