企業贊助對高中籃球聯賽 (HBL) 影響之研究


企業贊助對高中籃球聯賽 (HBL) 影響之研究 - 以Nike為例 完成年月:2007年6月 研 究 生:孫 朝 指導教授:鄭志富 中文摘要 本研究的主要目的在瞭解Nike贊助HBL其挹注的資源經雙方融洽交換運用,對賽會發展所產生的影響。並藉由文獻探討、文件分析,以及深度訪談等方式探討Nike贊助之資源及其運用,對賽會規模、賽會本質之影響。 高中體總與Nike10年之合作關係,雙方由單純的贊助發展成為伙伴關係,並獲至寶貴的經驗,建構起自身的運動行銷與媒體合作策略,開展其他商機,是HBL朝向永續經營的關鍵因素,本研究之主要研究結論如下: 一、Nike妥善運用資源發揮多元媒介力量,擴大賽會群眾基礎,成功傳達品牌訊息,創造同業競爭優勢;高中體總擷取經驗發展商機;互惠組合之夥伴關係達到多贏局面。 二、善用贊助資源,發展校園籃球運動風氣,創造HBL對一般學生的吸引力,厚植基礎人口,擴大賽會規模。 三、高中籃球聯賽品牌化以利商業操作,雖成功打造高中籃球金字塔,擴大國內籃球市場,但因制度不健全,造成球員資格重疊問題,影響籃運正常發展。 本研究建議,政府主政機關應協調各籃球組織間相互的關係,促進垂直與水平的合作,全盤規劃全國各級籃球合理的比賽季節;正視「社會與學校運動員分際問題」所造成的負面影響,制定相關法規,採循序漸近方式,逐步實施,使各級籃球組織有所遵循。 關鍵詞:企業贊助、高中籃球聯賽
The study of the corporate sponsorship to the High-school Basketball League – a case study of Nike Date: June, 2007 Student: Chao-Sun Adviser: Chih-Fu Cheng Abstract The purpose of the study was to understand the effect about the Nike company which invested into the High-school Basketball league. Using the literature review , case analysis ,and in-depth interviewing to discussing the model and essence of Nike which sponsored the High school basketball games. After the 10 years collaboration. High-school basketball league team up with Nike was changing to the partnership, and getting much valuable experience, also creating the sport marketing and the coefficient with media. The conclusion of this study was: 1. Nike using the abundant medium to increasing the basic of the consumer, and transmit the brand information, creating the great competition with other sport brands. The High-school basketball league also get the commercial opportunity by this partnership. 2.Using the resource of the sponsorship to increasing the students who join with sport. Attracting students join with the High school basketball games, and augment the model of the event. 3. The high-school Basketball games creating the high level basketball environment by commercial technique, but the system was not integrity enough, some of the qualifications plays was coincide, which also effect the develop of basketball. The suggestion of this study was that the government should coordinate the relationship amoung all the basketball organizations, promote a great corporation and draw up a legitimate games season about all level of basketball. The government should also respect the separation about the professional and school’s players which causes bad effect and establishing the related laws, and carry them out that step by step. Key Words: corporate sponsorship, High-school Basketball league



企業贊助, 高中籃球聯賽, corporate sponsorship, High-school Basketball league

