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長久以來,原住民多能自由的和外界交易物資。日治到戰後前期,國家勢力開始以有形的制度之手,介入山地交易運作,使山地和平地發展出截然不同的樣貌。日治到戰後前期,山地交易制度先後呈現出「綏撫、監控和自治」三種精神。 日治最初,政府以安撫、討好的方式「綏撫」原住民,不時地供給原住民酒食、布帛等物資,對於山地交易沒有統一、強制地控管,使各地發展出自由交易、特許民營、官營等不同交易樣態。 1900年以後,山地交易政策精神由「綏撫」逐漸轉變為「監控」。配合南守北進政策,西部、南部地方廳,以法令監控民營山地交易;北部、東部地方廳則採官營交易,由警察直接控管食鹽、鐵器供給。大正3﹝1914﹞年五年理蕃政策結束,警察經營的官營交易所,對山地進行治安控制、文化改造。大正10﹝1921﹞年,警察協會接管山地交易,蕃產品買賣帶來的巨額收入,成為警察撫卹財源。戰爭時期,新竹州、臺中州、高雄州陸續設立高砂協會,更積極榨取山地財源,高砂協會雇用原住民菁英,和高砂族自助會、青年團合作,使原住民菁英獲得和官方合作經營蕃產交易的經驗,也開啟戰後辦理山地交易「自治」的契機。 戰後初期,原住民菁英欲達成山地交易的「自治」,南志信、林瑞昌、高一生等原住民菁英集資設立民生公司,但在國共內戰的局勢下,政府不願把山地交易自治權下放,使自治夢想頓挫。民國41﹝1952﹞年,設立山地鄉供銷會,「山地鄉自辦,政府監督」權責不一的架構下,供銷會面臨資金不足、人才不足、業務不善等問題,政府沒有直接解決問題,民國49﹝1960﹞年還以山地平地化政策為由,將供銷會改組為農會,日後多數的山地農會被併入鄰近平地鄉農會,至今只有5個山地鄉農會保持獨立,失去山地農會保護和扶助的山地鄉,只能自力更生、自立自強。 上述山地交易制度架構,運作在桃園復興泰雅族,在日治中後期政府強力監控下,角板山交易所成為展示統治成果的樣板交易所,實際上族人沒有發展交易買賣的空間;在戰後前期政府威權監控、資金不足的限制下,不論是以族人為主體組成的供銷會,或是族人私人經營的竹木業,皆難以利用買賣累積資本。民國54﹝1965﹞年以前的復興泰雅族人,只能默默蓄積進入資本主義社會的能量,等待日後的發展。
Before Japanese occupied the island , aboriginal people had been able to freely trade with the outside world for years . During the Early Japanese Colonial Period to the Postwar Period , the government authority began to intervene in mountain trading operations with systems, which developed entirely different patterns among the mountain and the plain areas. In the periods, the systems intervene the mountain trading has sequentially appeared three critical cores: "appeasement, monitoring and autonomy”. At the beginning of the Japanese Colonial Period, the government tried to pacify and please the aboriginal by offering liquor, food , cloth and other materials. However , the government had not come out a unified means to control over mountain trading; therefore, different patterns of free trade, private franchise, official business developed. After 1900, the mountain trading policies had changed from "appeasement" to "monitoring."With the policy of defense in the south and advance to the North , the Western and Southern Regional Offices monitored the private mountain trading by laws and regulations, on the other hand , the North and the East Regional Offices adopted government-run trading and the police officers were authorized to directly controlled salt and iron supplies . In 1914, the Five-year policy of Aboriginal Policy had ended. The trading places which were run by the police controls, began to implement the security controlling and culture renovations to the mountain regions . In 1921, when the Taiwanese Police Association had taken over the mountain trading controls, the sale of mountain products brought huge sums of money, which had once become the police pension fund .During the war-time period, Hsinchu , Taichung, Kaohsiung successively set up Takasago Association, Japanese aggravatingly exploited the money resources of the mountains tribes .The Takasago association's employment of aboriginal elites and the establishment of the Takasago self-help groups and youth clubs had enabled aboriginal elites to gain experiences with official cooperation in the management of Mountain products trading and opened the door to the post-war "autonomy" in mountain trading. In the early Postwar Period, aboriginal elites tried to reach the goal of acquiring the "autonomy" in mountainous trading .The aborigines such as Nan Zhi-Xin , Lin Rui-Chang and Gao Yi-Sheng aggregated the capital to establish the Minsheng Company. However, under the influence of Chinese Civil War, the government did not give out the autonomy of mountain trading to the aborigines, the government frustrated the self-governing dreams. In 1952 ,when the Supply& Marketing Market was established ,under the framework of "mountain township self-running and government supervision" developed different powers and responsibilities .The Supply & Marketing Market met such problems as insufficient funds, deficient talents and poor business practices. Despite the problems that the market had confronted, the government did not directly address the issue. In 1960, the Supply & Marketing Market were reorganized into Farmer’s associations on the "the indigenous people in the mountains live like other nationals in the plains" policy .So far only five mountain rural Farmer’s associations will remain independent. Mountain townships which lost the protection and assistance of mountain Farmer’s associationscould only become self-reliant and self-reliance. The mountain trading system structure above , mainly existed in Taoyuan revival Atayal. In the middle of the latter part of the Japanese Colonial Period , under the supervision of the government, Kabanshan Trading Places became the model of trading place which shows the results of dominion. In fact, aboriginal people had no room for trading at the time .Under the Postwar Period monitoring of government authority and under-functions, Whether the Supply& Marketing Market nor the Privately run bamboo industry, which were both built by the tribes, were difficult to cumulative capital by buying and selling. Before 1965,Atayal people living in Fu-hsing District could only quietly accumulate energy into capitalist society and wait for future development.



山地交易, 交易所, 供銷會, 原住民, 復興鄉, Mountain Trading, trading places, Supply & Marketing Market, Aboriginal people, Fu-hsing District





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