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本研究針對J公司的源頭創新產品,所需要擬定創新的行銷策略,經由參考文獻、J公司個案分析及對上中下游廠商之深入訪談,提出一套解決方案。期待此一模式也可適用在其他源頭創新產業的市場行銷策略開發。 本研究之文獻探討,先描述源頭創新的定義,並解釋其商品化過程中有別於典型技術商品化之處,以及其商品化過程所面臨的高度技術開發難度、市場需求不確定性與競爭者界定模糊等挑戰。其後納入創新技術商品化相關文獻,如創新擴散模式與創新商品進入市場模式等.此外,本研究亦納入主流行銷相關理論,如STP行銷架構、品牌3i、、獨特的銷售主張(USP)與產品差異化等。由於主流行銷理論並無法完全無縫應用於源頭創新的商品化,本研究整合創新技術商品化理論、主流行銷理論、個案公司研究與上中下游廠商訪談等,嘗試融合貫通一套可適用於個案公司及相關源頭創新產業的源頭創新行銷模式。 為了驗證源頭創新商品化所面臨之重大議題與本研究所擬提出解決方案的適當性,本研究也特別採用深入訪談,訂定出對源頭創新產業訪談對象、所適用的訪談架構、訪談流程與分析方式。本研究之個案公司 J公司,在其無線技術的背景下與美國源頭創新技術G公司合作開發非接觸(磁共振)式無線充電解決方案已有一段時間。終端產品即將推出,但困擾於此一源頭創新技術,在市場應用面上從未曾出現,所以加深其運用傳統的行銷理論以訂定適切行銷策略之難度。 智慧型手機發展至今,以每年十三億支以上的需求量,已成為世界最大的消費品。牠已解決人類隨時隨地隨意的無線通訊需求,隨著智慧手機所帶來的智慧功能,更帶給人類前所未見的方便性。即便智慧手機已擁有各種無線通訊的機制,但是至今在電源供應上,雖然過去數十年已有各式各樣的無線充電技術與其所帶來的產品,但仍擺脫不了需要與電源緊密接合的限制。此個案在其產業的形成過程中,確實遭遇一般源頭創新產業所常面臨的困難。因此本研究融合相關創新技術商品化理論與行銷理論,提出一套可行性高且適用於創新技術商品化之解決方案。商品化之行銷組合中,以行銷渠道的規劃與執行最具挑戰性,也是成敗的關鍵所在。本研究發現將可作為業界與學界之後研究創新技術商品化的參考。
This research is motivated by the needs from company J for a marketing strategy for its innovative products. The goal is to survey various marketing theories and then to select the most proper ones to form a tool set. We hope this tool set will be able to support other company’s needs when they face the issues of promoting their innovative products. In the theory survey chapter, we started with a detailed description of innovative product business to understand its formation and product commercialization needs. After several theories are studied, we identified STP, 3i, Lateral Marketing, USP, and Product Differentiation. To enhance our tool set, we will also utilize SWOT, 4P, and E-Commerce to form the best strategy. The case study to apply the above stated tool set is company J’s resonant wireless charging. This technology was initiated by a USA-based innovative technology company. The relationship between these two companies are to separate the job into two sections: technology innovation and product commercialization. However the things that trouble these two firms are product definition and customer acceptance as this technology has not shown in the market yet. This innovative wireless charging concept was created due to the lack of a convenient product to charge mobile devices at public areas such as hotels and bars. As worldwide smart phone has grown into a 1.3B annual market, more people are seeking more convenient ways to charge devices. The existing solutions are all cumbersome. A key bottleneck is due to their needing of close contact between charging devices and the ones to be charged. Company J’s under-table chargers are created to address this issue by offering a 4.6 cm separation. We applied our tool set to analyze and to set up the most proper product commercialization plan. It should reduce the headache of company J’s managers. This will also help to reduce the worries of its technology partner and its channel developer. We have develop an interview process to meet with these two firms and to obtain their responses from utilizing our tool set. In the conclusion session﹐We have a reviewed the pro and con of our study.



源頭創新技術, 無線充電, 市場行銷策略, Original Innovation Technology, wireless charging, Marketing Strategy





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