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Chen, Chia-huang
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Department of Chinese, NTNU
Department of Chinese, NTNU
白居易晚年退居洛陽,自62 歲卸任河南尹之後,優游自得,但是他晚期詩作卻呈現「與時調不同」(Untimely)的風格,例如題材重覆、語言結構鬆散。白居易晚年發展出屬於他自己「晚期風格」的特色,本文擬援用薩依德論晚期風格的理論,重新審視白居易晚期詩作,並且從詩人放棄政治權力、詩人在詩作上的技藝、詩人正視衰老等待死亡等三部分,從白居易晚期創作意識、詩歌形式、詩歌題材,討論白居易詩作的晚期風格,並對當時人及後人批評白居易晚期詩作的論述中,重新思考白居易詩作晚期風格的特點與價值,不讓白居易晚期詩作因為不符合時代潮流與詩評家的標準,而被誤讀他晚期力主「與時調不同」創作的用心。
After Bai Ju-yi resigned the mayor of Luoyang at age 62, Bai wrote a lot of poems that was regarded as untimely style, and reviewers criticized Bai since mid-Tang Dynasty till the present.But when we read the late style poetry of Bai, we may consider that Bai wrote these works was consciousness to arrange the shape in his literary creations. Bai abandoned the elegant formsand elaborate language of poetic expression, otherwise, he made his poetical style uncomplicated and inner-directed. Bai used the power to make the rights of options to choice the manner of old age, and admired the decline of his physical body to enjoy his longevity. During the duration of Bai’s late life, Bai was fearless of his decrepitude and waited for his death constantly. The rights of options, the untimely poetic skills with self-confidence, and the appreciation of longevity, these three sections construct the late style of Bai.
After Bai Ju-yi resigned the mayor of Luoyang at age 62, Bai wrote a lot of poems that was regarded as untimely style, and reviewers criticized Bai since mid-Tang Dynasty till the present.But when we read the late style poetry of Bai, we may consider that Bai wrote these works was consciousness to arrange the shape in his literary creations. Bai abandoned the elegant formsand elaborate language of poetic expression, otherwise, he made his poetical style uncomplicated and inner-directed. Bai used the power to make the rights of options to choice the manner of old age, and admired the decline of his physical body to enjoy his longevity. During the duration of Bai’s late life, Bai was fearless of his decrepitude and waited for his death constantly. The rights of options, the untimely poetic skills with self-confidence, and the appreciation of longevity, these three sections construct the late style of Bai.