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近年來,由於資訊網路社會化、運銷通路多元化及宅配產業蓬勃發展,導致團體購買(團購,Group Buying)蓬勃發展。在網際網路的普及化之下,隨著便利消費意識的抬頭,消費者可以揪團團購聰明消費五花八門的商品;團購網站的成立,也改變了過去商品售價是由賣家所決定的交易型態,選擇參與網路團購的消費者越來越多,也有越來越多的消費者把參與團購當成一種休閒活動。 團體購買是指消費者集合親朋好友,增加購買數量,藉此向賣方議價,團體購買對於買賣雙方都可以有降低彼此的交易成本,是一種對於買賣雙方互利之行銷方式。團購通路的蓬勃發展更為企業開啟行銷通路的新思維,團購通路利用宅配方式送達於消費者手中,或是超商取貨,可以將貨品指定送達家裡附近的超商門市,直接使用轉帳或是貨到付款,這種交易模式,由繁複的過程簡化到直接生產端與消費端的交易,與過去的運銷模式大有不同,對消費者而言更加方便。 本研究彙整專家學者的文獻,透澈剖析消費者對於團購新興通路的消費模式及需求,並提供團購商拓展團購新興通路之行銷策略建議,研究架構以團購消費者之「基本特性」、「消費者經驗」、「團購動機」及「商品促銷」四大構面,進行網路問卷調查以瞭解團購消費者之購買行為。 本研究目的在於探討消費者個人背景在進行網路團購時,與網路團購消費經驗、網路團購動機以及網路團購商品促銷三大因素間的相互影響。希望藉由此研究進一步了解消費者在進行網路團購時,是如何下決定以及是什麼因素影響其作決定。 本研究結果亦能夠提供團購客戶之決策依據,且能有效利用資源,提供消費者所需服務,藉此滿足消費者的期待,更能替商家創造競爭優勢,使買賣雙方皆能交易滿意,達到雙贏的局面。
Group buying, also known as collective buying, offers products and services at significantly reduced prices on the condition that a minimum number of buyers would make the purchase. Origins of group buying or team buying were executed to get discount prices from retailer when a large group of people was willing to buy the same item. In recent times, group buying websites have emerged as a major player in online shopping business. Based on the review of related literature, the researcher used four main factors, demographic information, experience of online group buying, motivation of group buying, and promotion of group buying, which are related to merchandising, motivation, and group buying behavior. The design of this research utilized a survey design. For the purpose of this study, data was collected at one point in time (2015). The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between demographic information and decision making of group buying. Three factors are used in this study to conduct the research questions and they are experience of online group buying, motivation of group buying, and promotion of group buying. This study is trying to find out and determine how and what factors affect consumers decision making when they proceed online grouping buying. The results of this study provided a basis for consumer decision making, effectively use resources, and providing consumers with the necessary services. To meet consumers' expectations and create a competitive advantage for businesses environment so that buyers and sellers have encountered a satisfied transaction and achieve a win-win situation.



網路團購, 消費者行為, 消費者經驗, 團購動機, 商品促銷, Online Group-Buying, Consumer Behavior, Consumer Experience, Group-Buying Motivation, Merchandising





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