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本研究採用個案研究,旨在探究與分析一位在瑞芳曾於105年榮獲模範身障者家屬的隔代教養者,如何在面對位於偏鄉又單親加上隔代教養下,別人眼中許多高風險的因子下,透過哪些因素影響,去克服別人眼中的逆境,最後接納自己的孫女是身心障礙障礙者的心理歷程,與成功給予孫女教養支持及畢業後順利就業。 資料蒐集是由深度訪談與文件資料等方式,以及與研究者互動觀察而來。對個案的教養歷程與方式找出成功因素,本研究主要發現如下: 1.本研究中照顧身心障礙者的隔代教養者,於初次面對障礙兒童,內心共經歷了震驚、否認、調適、接受等四個心理感受的過程。 2.個案從否認到接受可視為是一段從責任感到接納的過程。從因對女兒的愛、孫女的親密依附到不忍看見家人流落在外所產生的責任感,經過了接受特教知能與相關資源支持後,轉而接納孫女的身心障礙。 3.個案的教養歷程共經歷了承擔、接受、照顧者、協助者與展望等五個階段。而每一個階段間都有一個需面對的挑戰,若順利解決與遇到轉機,就能往下一個歷程邁進。 4.個案能夠順利克服教養上的困難的成功因素,主要可以分為:人格特質、家庭支持與社區環境等因素支持,而各成功因素間彼此交互影響。 最後,根據上述的結論提出建議,供家中也有身心障礙者的隔代教養者、社福與醫療提供者、學校教育者以及未來研究參考
The purpose of this study was to explore the grandma's psychological process of accepting her granddaughter with disability and the factors to overcome difficulties in grandparents lives in Ruifang, who was awarded the model family with a child whih disability in 2016. The data was collected through interviews, written documents. Through data collection, analysis, and interpretation, the results were as follows: 1.The grandma experienced four stages, including “Shock”, “Deny”, “Adjustment” and “Accept” in grandparenting. 2.The process of changing her mind from deny to accept, can be seen as the sense of responsibility to admit. The factors included the love for her daughter、attachment to granddaughter、relationship of family、the knowledge of children with special needs, and the support of medical. 3.The psychological process of grandparenting grandchild with special needs included five stages: Taking- responsibility、Reception、Caregiving、Supporting、Expectation. 4.These successful factors to help the grandma to face the adverse circumstances are personality、the support of family member and community. These factors influenced each other. Based on the results of this study, some suggestions are proposed for grandparents raising grandchildren with special needs, the members who serve social welfare or medical treatment, teachers, and the further studies.



個案研究, 身心障礙, 隔代教養, 心路歷程, 成功因素, case study, children with disability, grandparenting, psychological process, successful factors





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