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本研究之目的為探討不同遊戲的參與者對行動電話功能需求差異之研究,行動電話遊戲參與者包括遊戲參與者之特性與人口特性背景兩個構面,對其行動電話功能需求要素之重要性。本研究主要以曾經參與行動電話遊戲者為主要研究對象,問卷調查以全臺灣最大之行動電話社群網站-手機王為媒介,透過連結到中華電信公司電信研究所網站,提供之問卷平台進行調查。時間為民國九十八年十月與十二月進行300份問卷調查。研究工具包括行動電話遊戲參與者各種需求之功能的重要程度與功能模式量表、行動電話遊戲遊戲參與者之特性與人口特性背景資料,以描述性統計、信度分析、單因子變異數分析、相關分析與Tukey事後考驗進行分析探討。 研究結果發現,遊戲參與者之特性中有取得可將受測者分為三個集群,且依此特徵給予命名,故命名集群一「經由網路或簡訊取得遊戲」為「下載」;命名集群二「多元遊戲參與者」為「多元」;命名集群三「利用等待或打發無聊時間使用遊戲」為「排遣」。而根據研究發現,不同集群的遊戲參與者,對於行動電話電話功能需求,分別為高品質連線、內建感應移動器及觸控螢幕之功能有差異。
The purpose of this study, A Study of the Mobile Phone Gamers for Demand of Mobile Phone Set Functions, was to define the mobile phone gamers from the demand of phone set functions. The Purposes of the study were: 1. to study history of mobile phone games. 2. to present the aspects of mobile phone games as well as situation and trend of phone set from both hardware and software. 3. to investigate in mobile phone gamers’ demand and user characters, effects on demand of phone set functions. The study collected data from literature review and survey. Through analyzing relevant mobile phone functions and types of mobile games, generated the demand factors for mobile phone set functions. Moreover, the researcher discussed relevant regulation to analyze the factors of important evaluation for mobile phone set function. The samples of study were randomly selected from internet and the sampling period was from Oct. to Nov. 2009. The data that have been gathered from the survey were analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS), release 12, for this study. As the resolute, these gamers can be classified into three groups, there are: obtain games from the internet and mobile short massages; play many categories of games and planning games for recreation. Finally, by using AVONA for analysis of variance between the three groups with different social backgrounds and characters, which kinds of mobile phone set that the three groups will chose for their mobile games. In the conclusion of the study, the three grounds of mobile phone gamers have different demand in mobile phone set functions.



行動電話遊戲, 行動電話功能需求, 行動電話遊戲參與者, mobile phone game, demand for mobile phone functions, mobile gamers





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