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早在1980年代李登輝推行南向政策時,就有不少台灣企業選擇到菲律賓進行投資,而擁有英語優勢的菲律賓,近年來又大力發展客服中心、企業流程委外與博弈產業,蓬勃的經濟前景,吸引了不少外資投入。 為提供欲投資菲律賓之台灣企業更多的決策參考資料,本研究透過半結構式訪談法,與在菲律賓投資的製造業與服務業台商或台幹進行訪談,試圖找出影響台灣企業決定到菲律賓投資的關鍵因素。本研究首先經過文獻探討後,歸納出生產成本、經貿環境、距離、母公司規模、產業性質、內部網絡、外部網絡7個可能的影響因素,並在訪談過程中向受訪者提出相對應的7個研究問題。 訪談結果顯示,投資於菲律賓的台灣企業皆認為生產成本、經貿環境、距離、產業性質與外部網絡對他們當初選擇投資菲律賓有重要的影響。其中,在生產成本方面,服務業廠商相較於製造業廠商更在意菲律賓便宜的人力成本。在經貿環境上,菲律賓的人口紅利與市場潛力是吸引台灣企業到菲律賓投資的一大因素,而因發展BPO而帶來的大批中國外來人口,則對經營餐飲業的台灣企業來說十分有吸引力。此外,大多台灣企業也提到菲律賓的英語環境,不管是在閱讀法律文件、辦理投資程序或管理員工上都對外來投資者有很大的幫助。除了當地國的優勢之外,受訪企業也提到,企業本身若為外銷導向者,在菲律賓投資得以享有許多區域經濟合作框架下的關稅優惠,對企業來說是一大誘因。另外,追隨客戶需求或親友連結也是大多數企業決定到菲律賓投資的關鍵因素。 而綜合上述結論,本研究更推導出,企業特性在投資決策初期會形成推力使企業萌生赴外投資的想法,在中期則是由外部網絡關係將投資者帶往欲投資國或接觸相關資訊,最後投資者會依據地主國的優缺點進行評估,最後才決定前往投資。
When Lee Teng-hui promoted the Southern Policy in 1980s, many Taiwanese companies invested in the Philippines. In recent years, the Philippines strived to develop call center, business process outsourcing and gambling industries. And attracted a lot of foreign to invest in Philippines. In order to provide more decision-making reference for Taiwanese companies, which interested in investment in the Philippines. This study interviewed Taiwanese companies who invest in the Philippines. And try to find out what is the key factors that Taiwanese companies cared. According to literature review, there are 7 factors might influence Taiwanese companies to make the decision to invest in the Philippines. 7 factors are production cost, economic and trade environment, distance, parent company size, property of industrial, internal network and external network. Based on 7 factors, we made 7 research questions to interview Taiwanese companies. The results showed that Taiwanese companies who investing in the Philippines was affected production costs, economic and trade environment, distance, property of industrial and external networks. First, service industry are more concerned about the cheap labor costs of the Philippines than manufacturing industry. About the economic and trade environment, the market potential and demographic dividend are the major factor that attracted Taiwanese companies come to invest in Philippines. In addition, most of Taiwanese companies mentioned that English environment in the Philippines is very helpful to them, because they don't need to learn a new language for the business. And if the company is a export-oriented company, there are some preferential tariffs. It can help them to save the costs. At last, following the needs of customersor the link of friends and relatives is also a key factor to influence Taiwanese companies to decide to invest in the Philippines.



區位理論, FDI, 製造業, 服務業, 投資決策流程, Location theory, Foreign direct investment, Manufacturing Industry, Service Industry, Investment Decision Process





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