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隨著大航海時代亞洲新航線的發現,成立於1602年的荷蘭東印度公司(Vereenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie; VOC)繼葡萄牙人之後將更多中國青花瓷運往東南亞、中東地區和歐洲等地拍賣販售並且從中獲取極大利潤,這些被外銷至大明帝國以外的中國青花瓷主要被分為兩類分別為克拉克瓷(Kraakposelein)和漳州瓷/汕頭器(Swatow ware)。貿易青花瓷與明國國內的內銷青花瓷在同樣的產地製造,但卻有部分紋飾迥異的紋飾以及特殊器型,兩者之間顯然因內外銷之別而存異。
Deer has been considered as an auspicious animal in Chinese culture since bronze age. Chinese export blue and white porcelain with deer motif was one of widespread commodities from Asia to Europe during the late Ming dynasty. The motif, unlike those fairy type animals, dragon, phoenix and qilin, etc., it is always depicted with its normal silhouette as a motif, which people would effortlessly recognize it from works of art of dynasties. Needless to say, the deer motif is popular with other culture of regions as well. At the Age of Discovery, the Dutch East India Company (Vereenigde Oost-IndischeCompagnie; VOC) was originally established as a chartered company in 1602, followed Portuguese merchants’ Chinese porcelain trade route, the VOC expanded opportunities broader to regions of Southeast Asia, the Middle East and Europe for auctions which had got great benefits from it. Those export blue and white porcelain was named as Kraakporselein by the Dutch, were originally made in Jingdezhen as same as the rest of porcelain made for domestic market. Some of them were made in Fujian regional kilns, has been called “Swatow” or Zhangzhou ware as well. However, due to the trade and formulated by Jingdezhen craftmen, there are some obvious differences between Chinese export blue and white porcelain and those for the domestic market, for instance, the motifs and some customized items. According to collections around the world and archeological discovery, blue and white Porcelain with deer motif was the greatest deal in the China-VOC porcelain trade during the Late Ming period, this specific motif is consisted with traditional elements of deer related themes, however, it appears very different from the combination of deer motif on porcelain for the domestic market. How deer motif became the most popular motif on the Chinese export blue and white porcelain for the European market during the late Ming dynasty? The research would continue to recapitulate the usage of deer motif and its background of productions, to analyze the database of porcelain with deer motif made for this research, and finally to explore the context of cultural exchanges of late Ming China and the West.
Deer has been considered as an auspicious animal in Chinese culture since bronze age. Chinese export blue and white porcelain with deer motif was one of widespread commodities from Asia to Europe during the late Ming dynasty. The motif, unlike those fairy type animals, dragon, phoenix and qilin, etc., it is always depicted with its normal silhouette as a motif, which people would effortlessly recognize it from works of art of dynasties. Needless to say, the deer motif is popular with other culture of regions as well. At the Age of Discovery, the Dutch East India Company (Vereenigde Oost-IndischeCompagnie; VOC) was originally established as a chartered company in 1602, followed Portuguese merchants’ Chinese porcelain trade route, the VOC expanded opportunities broader to regions of Southeast Asia, the Middle East and Europe for auctions which had got great benefits from it. Those export blue and white porcelain was named as Kraakporselein by the Dutch, were originally made in Jingdezhen as same as the rest of porcelain made for domestic market. Some of them were made in Fujian regional kilns, has been called “Swatow” or Zhangzhou ware as well. However, due to the trade and formulated by Jingdezhen craftmen, there are some obvious differences between Chinese export blue and white porcelain and those for the domestic market, for instance, the motifs and some customized items. According to collections around the world and archeological discovery, blue and white Porcelain with deer motif was the greatest deal in the China-VOC porcelain trade during the Late Ming period, this specific motif is consisted with traditional elements of deer related themes, however, it appears very different from the combination of deer motif on porcelain for the domestic market. How deer motif became the most popular motif on the Chinese export blue and white porcelain for the European market during the late Ming dynasty? The research would continue to recapitulate the usage of deer motif and its background of productions, to analyze the database of porcelain with deer motif made for this research, and finally to explore the context of cultural exchanges of late Ming China and the West.
鹿紋, 克拉克瓷, 汕頭器, 漳州瓷, 貿易青花瓷, 晚明, 神奇寶貝, deer motif, Kraak porcelain, Swatow ware, Zhangzhou ware, Chinese export porcelain, late Ming dynasty