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臺灣人口結構持續老化的現象,使得高齡族群的健康照護與健康促進已經成為目前重要之議題,本研究的目的旨在探討不同自覺健康之高齡者對體適能管理系統之需求,透過找出高齡者對體適能管理系統的各項需求,以期未來能有效地協助高齡者於健康體適能之提升及發展。本研究採用結構式問卷訪談法,參考臺北市十二個行政區65歲以上老年人口總數所佔全市比例,以叢集抽樣進行臺北市高齡者抽樣。調查期間為2008年3月至4月,有效樣本為430份,所得資料經分析後,研究結論為:1. 本次調查高齡者以女性居多,平均年齡為74歲,教育程度平均分布,多為已婚且與配偶家人同住,平均每月可自由支配的金額為20,059元,退休前職業多為公務人員及家管,休閒活動多以在家進行為主。2. 高齡者的自覺健康狀態分布於普通至 好之間。3. 高齡者對於體適能管理系統之需求程度偏向「普通」至「不重要」的程度,其中對於「檢測」階段及「健康檢查管理」的管理方法,需求程度為最高。4. 高齡者個人背景特性對高齡者自覺健康狀態無顯著差異。5. 高齡者個人背景特性年齡、教育程度、經濟狀況及休閒參與集群對體適能管理系統需求有顯著差異。6. 高齡者不同自覺健康狀態對體適能管理系統中「檢測」、「評估」、「診斷」、「個人自主管理」及「體適能指導員管理」有顯著差異。根據本研究之研究結果可提供促進健康體適能相關單位在協助高齡者提昇體適能相關工作及運動訓練上之參考依據。
The health promotion for the elder was an important issue in the aging society. The purpose of this study was to define the different demand of physical fitness management system among elders with varity self-perceived health status in Taipei. The study used structured questionnaire to conduct face-to-face interview.The period of data collection has been from March to April in 2008. The study collected 430 subjects from elders in Taipei. The results of this study were: 1.The most subjects were female, average age was 74, married, live with family, and ritred from public officials or homewives. 2. The self-perceived health status were above average. 3. The elders’ demand of physical fitness management system was between average and unimportant, and the two important demands of physical fitness management system were “examination” and “medical management”. 4. The elders’ different personal backgrounds had no significance on the impact of self-perceived health status. 5 The age, level of education, and economic situation had a signifiacance on the impact of the demand of physical fitness management system. 6. The different self-perceived health status had a signifiacance on the impact of the demand of “examination”, “evaluation”, “diagnosis”, “personal management” and “fitness instructor management”. According to the result to suggest that health fitness promotion organization to help elder promote their health fitness and that related designers and industrial experts make fitting demand functions of physical fitness management system.



高齡者, 自覺健康狀態, 體適能管理系統, Elder, Self-perceived Health Status, Physical Fitness Management System





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