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本研究採質性研究法,透過深度訪談收集兩位成功實施融合教育普通班導師的經驗故事。歷時一年又四個月,經整理後詮釋為兩則故事,歸納出以下實施融合教育的導師所需樣貌: 一.普通班導師在融合教育歷程中,經驗建構知識與自我價值的良性循環:以「使學生在班級中獲得快樂與安適感」為目標做決定,進行生成行動,並隨時反思作出下一次決策,這種一再重覆的內在心理歷程為老師累積豐厚經驗,建構並累積輔導特殊生的知識,促使老師們產生自我價值的肯定,生成再度擔任特殊生導師的意願。 二.過程中當以幽默感調適身心,保持開放與彈性:隨時使用「幽默感」調適身心,保持開放的心態接納各類學生,並重視處理問題時的「彈性」。 三.善用得法,家長與學校專業人員可成為導師助力:人為支持與合作是融合教育實施成功的重要原因,適時增能家長,主動尋求校內專業支援均可幫助導師實施融合教育。 四.一視同仁大原則,因材施教小調整:特殊生雖因「特殊」而享有部分被包容或彈性調整的福利,但應是在一視同仁大原則之下進行。導師若能以公平和關注態度對待所有學生,讓所有學生都感受到老師的關愛,便能提升他們對老師的信心。 五.靈活運用正向心理學,潤滑同儕關係:適時突顯特殊生優勢,為其創造自我價值,對於特殊生融入班級社群,甚至是特殊生的自我接納都有助益。 根據研究結果,發現普通班導師積極正向的接納心態,有助於實施融合教育,使融合歷程中的家長、同儕、學校人員均獲雙贏局面。另提出我研究過程中的反思,以及研究後的自我改變與期許,供普教與特教老師做為參考。
This qualitative study, lasting 1 year and 4 months, aims to explore the experiences of two regular class homeroom teachers implementing inclusive education in junior high school. After the compilation interpreted as two stories collected from in-depth interview method, the results of this study are as follows: Regular class homeroom teachers in inclusive education can have a virtuous circle to successfully build their own knowledge and self-worth; staying humorous and flexible to moderate themselves; winning help and support from parents and related experts with proper methods; sticking to the principles of equal treatment and individualized adjustments; helping students with special needs to present their strength and create their self-value among peers in positive psychology approach. The study results also prove that as long as regular class homeroom teachers can actively and positively accept students with special needs, both of them can benefit from inclusive education and can help get a win-win situation among parents, student peers, teachers, administrators, and so on. Finally, some suggestions from a self-reflection during the research process are offered to parents, teachers for both regular classes and special education.



國中普通班導師, 融合教育, 一視同仁, 因材施教, 正向心理學, regular class homeroom teachers, inclusive education, equal treatment, individualized adjustments, positive psychology





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