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《聖經和合本》自1919年成書以降,便廣受華人基督徒及教會群所採用,流通量遠勝其他譯本。然而,隨時代推移,學者對《聖經》文本有了不同的見解;中文也逐漸改變,使得部分《和合本》的語言及風格已不合時宜。因此,許多學者提倡應儘速修訂《和合本》。《和合本》修訂計劃中,最主要的莫過於2010年由香港聖經公會所推出的《和合本修訂版》。該公會聲稱,此修訂版更加「忠於原文」,且「符合現代中文的用法」。 本論文以〈馬可福音〉第一至五章為例,將《和合本》與《和合本修訂版》進行比對,並對照希臘文原文,來評估《和合本修訂版》的譯文是否遵循其修訂原則。本研究指出,《和合本修訂版》的確提升了《和合本》的翻譯品質,但並無完全遵照其修訂原則。主要原因是,香港聖經公會並未針對其四大修訂原則訂出明確的優先次序。當原則間產生衝突時,修訂者無法依循統一的修訂流程。 本文也會簡要介紹《聖經》中譯史及《和合本》的修訂沿革,讓讀者能更了解《和合本》的來龍去脈及修訂需要。
The Chinese Union Version (CUV) Bible has been well-received and widely circulated among Chinese Christians and churches since its publication in 1919. With the passage of time, however, our understanding of the text of the Bible has changed, making the CUV less accurate. The Chinese language has also gradually changed, and as a result the language and style of the CUV have become somewhat outdated. Thus many commentators have called for revisions to the CUV. One major revision project has been the Revised Chinese Union Bible (RCUV), published by the Hong Kong Bible Society (HKBS) in 2010. This edition claims to be more faithful to the source text and closer to modern Chinese usage. Using Chapters 1 to 5 of the Gospel of Mark as the basis of its comparison, this thesis attempts to evaluate whether the HKBS has achieved its stated goals. After an in-depth analysis, it concludes that even though the RCUV is a vast improvement over the CUV, it only partially achieves the objectives as set forth by the HKBS editorial committee. One reason for this failure, it is suggested, may be that the various principles for revision, as given by the HKBS, sometimes collide with one another, and the HKBS does not follow any standard procedure when such collisions occur. This thesis also provides an introduction to the history of the translation of the Bible into Chinese, so as to help readers better understand the origins of the CUV and why a revised version of the CUV is needed.



《聖經》翻譯, 《和合本》, 《和合本》修訂, 《和合本修訂版》, Bible Translation, the CUV Bible, the CUV revision, the RCUV Bible





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