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本研究旨在探討應用語音產生裝置(Speech Generating Device, SGD)進行溝通訓練,對三位低功能自閉症兒童主動溝通型式之影響以及口語能力維持及情境類化之效果。 本研究之研究對象為三位自閉症男童,分別為一名3歲6個月中重度自閉症伴隨智能障礙兒童、一名5歲1個月中度自閉症兒童以及一名8歲6個月中度自閉症伴隨智能障礙兒童。研究中採取單一受試研究法之跨受試多試探設計,探討運用SGD進行溝通訓練之後,三位受試者主動以動作、SGD及口語三種溝通型式要求物品之溝通頻率的變化,正確使用SGD溝通之能力消長,以及在移除SGD之後,其口語能力維持之效果。 研究結果發現,在接受SGD溝通訓練之後:(一)三位受試者主動以正確SGD要求物品的行為均有明顯增加;(二)三位受試者均因SGD訓練的介入而減少動作溝通並增加以SGD溝通的比例,並具有情境類化的效果;(三)在口語維持的效果上,其中兩位受試者在介入後口語能力提升,並在SGD移除後口語能力仍可持續維持;(四)在社會效度部分,家長及老師對於SGD的接納度良好,且受試者不適當溝通行為有減少情形,口語表達及整體溝通能力均有提升。
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of applying SGD (Speech Generating Device) to low function autism in terms of the active communication model, the maintenance of verbal expression, and context generalization. The subjects of this study are three children with moderate to severe autism respectively. And the research design was a multiple probe across participants. After the SGD communication training was intervening, the variation of the frequency for active communication model including physicals, SGD and verbal expression, the ability of communication with SGD, and the maintenance of verbal expression had been evaluated The research results showed that, after the SGD communication training was intervening, 1) the spontaneous requests with correct SGD of the three subjects was dramatically increasing, 2) the physical communicative act was reduced and the communication with SGD was increased for the three subjects, in addition, combining with the effect of context generalization. 3) The verbal expression of two of the subjects was improved after the SGD intervention and the verbal expression can be maintained after removing the SGDs.4) In the aspect of social validity, the parents and the teachers all fully accepted the SGD, moreover, the frequency of inadequate communication was lower, and the skill of verbal expression and overall communication was increased on the other hand.



低功能自閉症, 語音產生裝置, 溝通行為, 輔助溝通, low functioning autism, speech generating devices (SGD), communication behavior, augmentative and alternative communication (AAC)





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