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本研究旨在探討2014巴西世界盃足球賽Facebook世界盃動向之使用者行為,並以科技接受模式為理論基礎。採用網路問卷的方式,以曾經於2014年6月12日至7月13日使用Facebook世界盃動向的使用者為研究對象,共得有效樣本數386份,所得資料經描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、迴歸分析進行資料分析,所得結論如下: 一、Facebook世界盃動向使用者大多為大學暨研究所的男性學生及上班族為主要使用 者,多數為使用Facebook超過四年,每天至少使用1~2小時的重度使用者,且「非常喜歡」世界盃足球賽。 二、Facebook世界盃動向使用者於各構面都屬中上程度的感受。 三、對世界盃足球賽的喜好程度在網站品質、知覺有用性、知覺易用性、使用態度以及行為意圖有顯著的差異,對世界盃喜好的程度是重要的人口背景變項。 四、Facebook世界盃動向行為意圖模式是成立的,各相對應構面皆呈現正向影響。 基於上述結果,建議社群平台可利用定期廣告露出培養運動迷對這類粉絲專頁的熟悉度,並與國內外的運動賽會結合,維繫與運動迷的關係,且利用使用者的點擊與瀏覽習慣,找到目標受眾。而針對未來研究,建議可針對不同社群平台作為研究對象,並且以不同的變項如品牌意識、娛樂性等作為外部變項。
This study aimed at the user’s behavior of “Facebook Trending World Cup”, 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil, which constructed the behavioral intention model based on the theory of Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). The subjects were 386 users who had used Facebook Trending World Cup during the period of 2014 FIFA World Cup. A self-developed questionnaire was used as the instrument. Descriptive statistic, independent t-test, one-way ANOVA and linear regression were used for data analysis. The results were as followed: 1. The demographics of Facebook Trending World Cup were predominantly used by college and graduate male students. Most of users has used Facebook over 4 years, and use Facebook at least 1~2 hours every day. Also, they had deep affection for the World Cup. 2. Facebook Trending World Cup users in website quality, perceived usefulness, perceived esae of use, attitude toward using and behavioral intention to use had above average evaluation. 3. The preference of World Cup in website quality, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, attitude toward using and behavioral intention to use was significant difference. 4. The user’s behavioral intension model in Facebook Trending World Cup was confirmed. The relative perspectives had positive affect. According to the result, the researcher suggested the social media provider should cultivate the familiarity of sport fans by advertisement exposure regularly. In addition, it can integrated with other sport events to maintain the relationships with sport fans. The Click rate is also a good way to find the target audience. The future study may aim at different social media as research subject, and set other perspective as external variables, such as brand awareness, playfulness and so forth.



社群媒體, 科技接受模式, 世界盃足球賽, 大型國際運動賽會, Facebook, social media, technology acceptance model, World Cup, mega international event, facebook





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