

職業運動發展最需要的是有熱情球迷的支持,而如何吸引迷到現場看球是球團努力的工作重點。現場促銷活動正為一種提升球迷看球興趣和增加現場觀眾人數的有效行銷策略,並可協助球團提升票房及營運收入。因此,本研究以中華職棒為研究主題,職棒球迷為研究對象,藉由網路問卷調查法,以了解中華職棒現行之現場促銷活動型態及球迷對現場促銷活動的喜好、認知情形與滿意程度。希冀提供職棒各球團在行銷管理上之參考,並對國內職棒運動的發展有所助益。主要發現如下: 一、職棒球迷以男性、年齡介於21至25歲間、大專校院以上程度之學生為主要群體。在職棒運動參與的部份,有超過五成的觀眾平均一個球季到球場觀賞1-5場比賽,有67%的觀眾每週收看3場以上的電視轉播。 二、中華職棒球迷獲取現場促銷活動最主要的訊息來源為球團官方網站、中華職棒聯盟網站與BBS電子佈告欄;球迷認知程度最高的現場促銷活動依序為「簽名會」、「啦啦隊或樂團表演」與「特殊節日活動」;最喜愛的現場促銷活動為「贈送球員相關商品」、「門票折扣、產品優惠」與「贈送加油用具」。 三、在各影響變項中,以性別、年齡、教育程度、職業、月收入、居住地、現場觀賽次數、決定看球時間、收看轉播頻率、觀賞職棒年資及支持球隊在現場促銷活動認知情形中達顯著差異 (p<.05) 。 四、整體而言,女性、年紀較小、收入較少、教育程度較低、觀賞年資較短及職業為學生之受試者對職棒現場促銷活動滿意度較高。 五、在球迷對現場促銷活動認知四構面與整體滿意度的相關分析中,以規劃認知與滿意度之間關連程度最高,相關係數達.73。 有鑑於此,本研究提出以下四點建議:球團多與贊助商配合,提供實用性與有紀念價值之商品贈與球迷;透過各種多元傳播媒介,增加球迷獲取現場促銷活動訊息來源;提升現場促銷活動的創意與變化;針對市場區隔,規劃促銷活動以兼顧新舊球迷。
Game day promotions were believed necessary to help increase attendance in professional sport leagues. As such, many game day promotions were presented. They were used to attract fans and generate team’s revenue. Thus, the study was aimed at understanding what the fans’ favorite game day promotions were and where information sources they got. Furthermore, the study examined the differences between fans’ demographic variable and cognition degree, fans’ demographic variable and satisfaction degree of game day promotions. The researcher investigated 415 fans of the CPBL through internet questionnaires. The statistics of description, percentage, and one-way ANOVA were used to analyze the fans responses. The results were as followed: 1. The majority of fans were the male college students aged 21-25. 2. The cognitions fans awaked highest was discount of ticket and good, the fans’ favorite game day promotion were giveaways about players, and their information sources wrer usually through internet. 3. There were significant differences in different demographic variable and the degree of cognition and satisfaction in game day promotions of CPBL. 4. Female, younger, lower income, lower educated degree and students fans gave the higher grade in satisfaction. 5. There were positive correlation between four dimensions of cognitions and satisfaction on game day promotions. The cognition of planning on game day promotions had high and positive correlation with satisfaction. Based on the results of the present study, the researcher suggests that professional baseball clubs should learn from success model to create an abundance of innovative and unique promotional gimmicks to draw all the fans.



現場促銷活動, 認知, 滿意度, Game Day Promotion, Cognition, Satisfaction





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