
dc.contributorKang, Min-Pingen_US
dc.contributor.authorChen, Cheng-Hsuehen_US
dc.description.abstract台灣經濟的成長,造就了許多傳統代理商的商機,但隨著經濟及社會結構的變遷,全球化的競爭日益激烈。台灣自 2002年進入WTO面臨更大的衝擊。面對來自於國內、外的競爭,若代理商們無法因應,終將面臨淘汰的命運。 在走向二十一世紀的同時,許多代理商也紛紛尋求其他的解決之道。不是尋求更多的代理品牌,就是自創品牌成立新創事業部。然而尋找新代理品牌,仍會身陷於代理商的輪迴中,一旦代理關係結束,就得重新歸零。自創品牌雖有其風險,但若能採取代理與自創品牌同時並進模式,將有助於風險降低。 本研究以W公司代理商為例,運作自創品牌,並成立新創事業部於營養食品-特殊營養食品的範疇,來進行個案研究。過程中先分析代理商W公司的目前代理廠牌,如何避開原代理商的產品類別。再分析如何從原代理商未進行的類別中,找出適合品項進行新創品牌的開發。策略規劃流程以基礎資源為前提來分析自創品牌後建構的資源,包含有:整體性規劃、行政部門規劃、生產部門規劃、機器設備規劃、行銷業務規劃及倉儲物流規劃等。另外也了解健康食品及特殊營養食品的定義及規定。藉由費用的評估,時程安排考量等因素,找出最適合W公司自創品牌,成立新公司的模式。 自創品牌的初期,會投入較少的人力及物力,在整體銷售狀況未明,貿然投入生產線等的設備,將有可能造成公司的損失。建議以委外代工的方式,進行初期的運作,待績效彰顯之後,可以較精簡的方式,進行設廠及行政單位的佈局。代理商的優勢是因為具有強大的通路能力,因此成為新創品牌的致勝因子之一。但是產品開發及價格方面議題也需要關注,研究中也有針對產品及價格部份提供建議。希望經由本研究的整理分析,可以提供未來其他代理商自創品牌的參考。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractCurrent economic growth has more chance for traditional agents in Taiwan. With the alteration of economy and social system, the impact of WTO force many agents which cannot catch new innovation to be eliminated by the market. . Agents are looking for solutions for those crises for proceeding to 21th century. It’s either has more brands for agent or Original Brand Manufacturer (OBM) to create new business unit for itself. However, more brands will still struggle with the fact in that end up relationship. Agents will be at the cycle in which will restart over again. OBM by agent still has to take risk during whole procedure, but if agent plays the original and OBM functions at the same time it will reduce the risk. In this research we mainly emphasis on W company that wants to have its own OBM and new business unit. Firstly, we need to analysis the brand what W company doing now, and figure out what can be done without affected by current brand. At the same time, evaluated the categories and avoid the products that can be overlapped. To find the appropriate items for future new business unit is necessary. Base on Resource-Based View (RBV), strategic plan included all issues and there are: business, administration, production, equipment, sales/marketing and logistic. Moreover, to understand the definitions and regulations of healthy food and special nutrition supplement are required. By doing budget estimation and time arrangement for finding the optimum situation of W company on OBM and create new business unit. It will become a module of W company. At the primary stage of OBM, most companies tend to use minimum resources at starting stages. By limited research, the stage objective is unclear and will force to jeopardy by setting unorganized production line and possibility caused company losing money. Strongly recommend to start with OEM for more cost saving and profession structure. Until agent’s company aggravate expanding and will set an infrastructure for it. The major advantage of agent will be the sales power in different channels and targeting individual markets. Beyond the sales, product development and retail pricing confirmation also need to be concerned. Hope that other new companies can take this organized module as a reference for new future business and to be a successful innovative brand manufacturer.en_US
dc.subjectOBM (original business manufacturing)en_US
dc.subjectNew business uniten_US
dc.subjectSpecial nutritional supplementen_US
dc.titleAgent strategy on original brand manufacturing : A study of special nutritional supplement industryen_US

