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「閱讀理解」是國文科重視的教學重點之一,也是現今學生在應對生活情境或自主學習時不可或缺的能力,而能夠測驗考生「閱讀理解」能力的試題該如何編製?藉由研究大考閱讀試題的命題模式與特色,我們能夠掌握國文閱讀試題命題的方式與重點。此外,值〈十二年國教課程綱要〉(以下簡稱〈十二年國教課綱〉)實行之際,課程與評量也將面臨變革,在新課綱執行前,大考試題中是否已有符合新課綱概念的試題,也是值得研究的課題。本研究聚焦近五年(104年至 108 年)「學科能力測驗」與「指定科目考試」國文科閱讀選擇題,分析這些試題的「特色」與「趨勢」,以期掌握閱讀選擇試題的命題方向,並且研究試題與〈十二年國教課綱〉的扣合性與接軌性。
全文共分六章:第一章概述研究之動機與研究步驟,定位本研究的內容和研究方向。第二章為文獻回顧,整理測驗相關理論、閱讀理論及升學考試之內容,並爬梳前賢與「試題分析」、「閱讀評量」有關的研究成果,作為研究之基石。第三章則先依據 PISA 閱讀理解階層與 Bloom 認知能力向度,設定閱讀試題之測驗目標,並聚焦於近五年單題選擇閱讀試題,依文類與題型分類,以其中的「優良試題」和「可修正試題」進行試題分析,研究各類試題之表現。第四章則聚焦於近五年題組閱讀試題,依文類分類,以其中的「優良試題」和「可修正試題」進行試題分析,研究各類試題之表現。第五章為結論與建議,研究發現大考試題於近五年間有所變化,且有不少符合〈十二年國教課綱〉內涵之命題。此章分別說明近五年試題之特色與趨勢,以及與〈十二年國教課綱〉內容之扣合性與接軌性。最後,參考近五年試題的命題模式,建構符合「素養導向」以及不同「閱讀理解層次」的閱讀試題命題方式。
College Entrance Examination plays an important role in life of a high school student. The tendency of College Entrance Examination impacts both on teaching and learning. Reading Literacy is not only the main point of Chinese education, but also the key capability for a lifelong learner. An appropriate test construction about reading literacy may improve core abilities of a student. This thesis tried to consider two questions about reading test. First of all , how to construct the Chinese reading literacy test? Secondly, did the reading test in College Entrance Examination meets the features which “Curriculum Guidelines of 12-Years Basic Education” has emphasized? In order to answer the questions above, the study taking the Chinese reading questions of College Entrance Examination (from 2015 to 2019) as research object, trying to analyze the features and the trend of these questions. This thesis is divided into five chapters. The main point in the chapter 1 is to describe the motivation and the purpose of this thesis. Also describing the method which the research getting on with. In chapter 2, the author collects the literature about test theory and reading theory. Besides, the author summarizes the former research about Chinese subject in College Entrance Examination. In chapter 3 and chapter 4 , the author taking the multiple choice questions and the testlet items as research objects. Classifying the questions with different goals of test, then taking the high-quality questions and the correctable questions as analyzed example. In chapter 5, the author summarizing the “features” and the “trend” of Chinese reading test of College Entrance Examination in five years, and analyzing the features which are in common with “Curriculum Guidelines of 12-Years Basic Education” as the conclusion. In the end of thesis, there are some suggest about constructing the reading literacy testament.
College Entrance Examination plays an important role in life of a high school student. The tendency of College Entrance Examination impacts both on teaching and learning. Reading Literacy is not only the main point of Chinese education, but also the key capability for a lifelong learner. An appropriate test construction about reading literacy may improve core abilities of a student. This thesis tried to consider two questions about reading test. First of all , how to construct the Chinese reading literacy test? Secondly, did the reading test in College Entrance Examination meets the features which “Curriculum Guidelines of 12-Years Basic Education” has emphasized? In order to answer the questions above, the study taking the Chinese reading questions of College Entrance Examination (from 2015 to 2019) as research object, trying to analyze the features and the trend of these questions. This thesis is divided into five chapters. The main point in the chapter 1 is to describe the motivation and the purpose of this thesis. Also describing the method which the research getting on with. In chapter 2, the author collects the literature about test theory and reading theory. Besides, the author summarizes the former research about Chinese subject in College Entrance Examination. In chapter 3 and chapter 4 , the author taking the multiple choice questions and the testlet items as research objects. Classifying the questions with different goals of test, then taking the high-quality questions and the correctable questions as analyzed example. In chapter 5, the author summarizing the “features” and the “trend” of Chinese reading test of College Entrance Examination in five years, and analyzing the features which are in common with “Curriculum Guidelines of 12-Years Basic Education” as the conclusion. In the end of thesis, there are some suggest about constructing the reading literacy testament.
閱讀理解, 閱讀試題, 試題分析, 素養導向試題, 高中國文