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本研究目的在瞭解台北市國小六年級學童運動價值觀及社會支持之情形,探討不同的背景變項中,學童在運動價值觀與社會支持的差異,以及運動價值觀與運動社會支持之相關情形。 研究對象是以101學年度設籍在台北市之國小六年級學童。透過問卷調查方式蒐集資料,採叢集隨機抽樣方式收回有效問卷409份,利用描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、Scheffe事後考驗法與典型相關等統計方法分析後,獲得研究結果如下: 一、本研究受調查者中,約有三分之一的學生為學校運動代表隊成員,有超過五成的學童參加過校外體育競賽,17.1%學生有規律運動習慣。 二、台北市國小學童普遍有高度的運動價值觀認同感,運動社會支持在同儕部分有高度的支持,但在老師與家人部分則偏低。 三、台北市國小學童運動價值觀在學童角色、不同比賽經驗與每週不同運動時間有差異存在,運動代表隊學童、有比賽經驗與運動時間多的學童,在運動價值觀都有較高的認同感。運動社會支持方面,老師對女童的支持較高;家人支持不會因學童角色或比賽經驗不同而有差異;老師支持不會因為學童每週不同運動時間而有差異存在。 四、台北市國小學童運動價值觀與運動社會支持顯著相關。
This study aims to understand the difference and relevance between sports value and social support of elementary pupils in Taipei City. Pupils enrolled in an elementary school in Taipei city during2012 to 2013 were selected to participate in this study for the quantitative survey. 409 valid questionnaires were returned. Descriptive statistics, T-test, One-way analysis of variance and Scheffe’s test, and Canonical analysis are used in the research. The data and analysis indicated the following: 1. One- third of pupils in Taipei City are the members of sport teams; more than 50% pupils participate interschool competitions and more than 80 % pupils have regular exercise habits every week. 2. Pupils in Taipei City have highly identity of school values. They get higher social supports from peers than from parents and teachers. 3. The sports value of pupils in Taipei city varies in their role, experience and exercise time per week. 4、The sports value of pupils in Taipei city has positive relevant with the social supports they get. According to the results, this study suggests schools and teachers increase sports value in instruction designs, provide opportunities for parental involvement, encourage parents exercise with their children. This study suggests parents pay more attention on children’s sports activities to cultivate correct values.



國小學童, 運動價值觀, 運動社會支持, sports values, social support





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