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本研究旨在探討社會故事教學對提昇國小情障學生同儕互動之成效。本研究對象為二名國小四年級的情障學生,研究方法採單一受試跨行為多基線實驗設計,包括基線期、介入期、維持期,約持續十週。本研究之自變項為依研究參與者的行為分析後所編寫之社會故事,依變項共有三項負向同儕互動行為,「玩遊戲時,大聲指責別人」、「玩遊戲時,未遵守規則」、「上科任課時,與同儕發生口角」,介入期階段以每週進行三次,各約20分鐘的社會故事教學。所得資料以視覺分析法分析,並於教學結束後,訪談導師、科任教師、家長等,以作為本研究社會效度分析之依據。 研究結果如下: 一、 社會故事教學的介入成效: (一)在改善情障學生與同儕「玩遊戲時,大聲指責別人」、「玩遊戲時,未遵守規則」行為,其中一位研究參與者在維持期的保留效果佳。 (二)在「上科任課,與同儕發生口角」行為,僅對於其中一位情障學生的行為有較佳的介入效果。 二、社會故事教學的類化成效: 其中一位研究參與者能將行為類化至班級、與家人相處,且能與家人討論社會故事之內容,家長對社會故事教學結果有正向的認同;另一位則無,家長表示教學前後並無太大的不同。而兩位研究參與者之導師、科任教師則對社會故事的教學有正向認同。最後,根據研究結果提出對未來教學與研究的建議。
The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of social story instruction on peers interaction for two fourth graders of primary school students with emotional disturbance. A single-subject multiple-baseline across behaviors design was used in this study. This study sustained about 10 weeks, including baseline, intervention and maintenance periods. The independent variable was social story instruction for two participants interaction with peers. The dependent variables involved three negative peer interations behaviors, include (1) yelling to others when play games, (2) disobeying rules when playing games, (3) quarrelling with other peers during class. The treatment maintained 10 weeks, three sessions per week and twenty minutes for each social story instruction. Data collected were analyzed by using visual inspection techniques and after teaching, the subject’s instructors and parents. The feedback was used to collect the data for social validity. The results of this study were summarized as follows : 1. Social story instruction could improve the behavior of yelling to others when playing games, with one participant sustaining the behavior in the following maintenance phase. 2. Social story instruction could improve the behavior of disobeying rules when playing games; with one participant sustained the behavior during the maintenance phase. 3. Social story instruction can improve the behavior of quarrel to others when in the class; one participant sustained the behavior in the following maintenance phase. 4. One participant demonstrated generalized skills to class and home settings, while parents thought the instruction was good; the other didn’t. It depended on the family interaction style. Both of the participant instructors had positive recognition for the effects of social story instruction. Finally, this research provided some recommendations for teaching strategies and futher research.



社會故事, 情緒障礙, 同儕互動, 單一受試跨行為多基線, Social story, emotional disturbance, peer interaction, single-subject research, multiple baseline across-behaviors design





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