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從行動健康應用程式 (mHealth App) 來獲取健康促進相關資訊,雖然便利,卻也產生個資外洩、假消息等爭議,因此,本研究整合 mHealth App 平台生態系中的參與者,對於平台規範的觀點,作為未來管理者訂定規範的基礎,故本研究目的為了解消費者、產出者以及管理者,對於平台規範指標的觀點,並探討其規範指標建構的優先性。本研究係透過「內容分析法」(Content Analysis),運用資訊倫理規範面向建構平台規範指標,並以「層級分析法」(Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP) 進行資料收集與分析,了解平台參與者們對於平台規範指標的想法,以及各指標在建構上的重要性。研究發現,mHealth App 中的消費者與管理者,最為重視平台的隱私權規範;產出者最為重視財產權規範。整體而言,因 mHealth App 所蒐集、應用的資料有其特殊性,使平台參與者認為應優先建構隱私權規範指標,其次則為精準性規範指標。本研究提供分析平台管理規範之架構,未來平台規範將成為平台發展的關鍵因素,建議未來研究可以根據不同平台生態系的特性,修訂、建構其平台規範,以提升平台的網路效應。
Obtaining health information on mobile health applications (mHealth apps) is convenient now. However, people were worried about data breaches, fake news, or other information security issues of apps. Therefore, this study aimed to improve the norms of the mHealth apps via integrating consumers, producers, and managers’ perspectives. The study applied content analysis to construct the norm indicators, using the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) to integrate the participants’ perspectives toward the norms. The results showed that consumers and managers attached importance to privacy. However, Producers attached importance to property rights. To sum up, the priority construction of the norm on the mHealth app should be privacy and followed by accuracy. The findings of the study could be a basis for the platform developing the norms.
Obtaining health information on mobile health applications (mHealth apps) is convenient now. However, people were worried about data breaches, fake news, or other information security issues of apps. Therefore, this study aimed to improve the norms of the mHealth apps via integrating consumers, producers, and managers’ perspectives. The study applied content analysis to construct the norm indicators, using the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) to integrate the participants’ perspectives toward the norms. The results showed that consumers and managers attached importance to privacy. However, Producers attached importance to property rights. To sum up, the priority construction of the norm on the mHealth app should be privacy and followed by accuracy. The findings of the study could be a basis for the platform developing the norms.
資訊倫理, 平台生態系, 內容分析法, 層級分析法, Information ethics, Platform ecosystem, Content analysis, Analytic Hierarchy Process