汽車產業面對生態系改變的策略佈局探討 -以裕隆集團為例

dc.contributorKang, Min-Pingen_US
dc.contributor.authorLi , Wan-Chinen_US
dc.description.abstract裕隆汽車集團歷年來從汽車製造的上游供應商,到銷售與售服的下游通路經 銷商,以轉投資持股垂直整合上下游的優勢,成功的整廠輸出到海外;在水平整 合方面約 1999 年前後,有部分來自於早期國產汽車轉投資的子公司,因「國產 汽車」消滅後,經由併購將屬於汽車後服務事業以汽車移動價值鏈的概念,衍伸 出汽車水平週邊的事業策略,透由汽車後服務的多角化水平事業,串起完整的汽 車價值鏈。 近年來台灣汽車市場已經趨近飽和,外銷市場也備受打擊,汽車產業集合車 用電子產品進入車聯網時代。車主在汽車移動中所產生的新需求,或是由電商及 社群等快速竄起的創新科技業,也會不斷的向車主釋出新的用車習慣,逐漸影響 汽車移動價值鏈中的某些價值單元,也可能因移動場景的改變而消滅或衍生出新 的價值單元,在時代改變引起的系列崩壞之下,檢視過去的策略歷程並作出未來 方策的建議,是本研究的動機及背景。 本研究先以文獻探討策略分析工具及集團綜效與整合的意涵,產業分析汽車 產業的特性,以及近年全世界各大汽車品牌的併購風潮,及與異業結盟的汽車產 業新趨勢。研究方法是以時間軸的方式,整理歷年來在政府汽車產業政策下個案 集團的策略形貌。再透過次級資料,分析近年合併財報數據,從中看出個案集團 積極海外佈局,惟合併營業利益也看出在海外的獲利貢獻度偏低 , 對照個案集 團對重大轉投資管理的流程及組織管理工具後,做出問題小結。 研究發現在政府政策的強力干預之下,個案集團過去的策略決策,只要依循 大環境的態勢,即可在既有的產業知識及技術的基礎上產生成效 ; 而近期的策 略偏向小微調及微創新的佈局及原有事業的守成。 對於未來策略的建議,因沿用過去的策略手法已經不足以面對競爭激烈,及 大環境的轉型壓力。建議今後的策略佈局,持續國際分工的策略,對內短期內無 須改變管理工具,但可加大各轉投資單位之「利潤責任」,集團總部對次集團, 以協作與創新取代指揮與控制。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractYulon Group has taken advantage of vertical integration from the upstream supplier of automobile manufacturing to the downstream access distributor of sales and service with the holdings of the transfer of investment over the years , and successfully exported the package plant overseas. In the horizontal integration aspects, through mergers and acquisitions, got the automobile after-sales service industries and developed diversified horizontal career of car after-sales service, stringing a complete car value chain. In recent years, Taiwan's car market has become saturated, and the export market has also been hit hard. The automotive industry collects automotive electronic products entering the era of internet of vehicles. Reviewing the past strategy and making suggestions for future strategies is the motivation and background of this study. This study uses the documents to explore the group's synergies and the analysis of the tactical tools to analyzes the characteristics of the auto industry. The research design was organized the government auto industry policy over the past years and case group strategical type in a time axis mode, and through secondary data analyzed the consolidated financial statements in recent years showing that case groups have actively deployed overseas. To contrast the process of major reinvestment management and organizational management tools of case group made a summary of issues. Research finds that the past policy decisions of case groups can be effective on the basis of existing industry knowledge and technology as long as they follow the situation of the big environment under the strong intervention of the government policies. The recent strategy tends to the layout of fine-tuning and micro-innovation and the maintenance of the original business. With regard to future strategy proposals, using past tactics are insufficient to face fierce competition and the pressure of transformation in the environment. The strategic layout in the future will continue with the strategy of sharing parts of both sides across the Taiwan strait. There will be no need to change the management tools in the short term, but the "profit responsibilities" of each reinvestment unit should be enhanced, and group headquarters should replace command and control with cooperation and innovation to sub-group.en_US
dc.subjectBusiness Intelligence Systemen_US
dc.subjectA fuel cell vehicleen_US
dc.title汽車產業面對生態系改變的策略佈局探討 -以裕隆集團為例zh_TW
dc.titleThe Strategic Deployment of the Automotive Industry in the Era of Ecosystem Change –A Case Study of Yulon Groupen_US

