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親緣關係為生物研究的基礎,弄蝶親緣關係已有高階親緣關係發表,在屬級的親緣關係尚有不足之處。颯弄蝶屬屬特徵為前翅2A至R3脈之間有透明的斑紋與後翅具有大片的白塊。因颯弄蝶種之間的形態太過於相似,許多發表尚有辨識錯誤的情形。Evans在1949整理為7種,Okano (1987) 和Chiba (1989) 則認為颯弄蝶屬為 valentini, zulla, gopala, nymphalis, splendens, monbeigi和 formosibia。以翅形與幼蟲型態S. formosibia與S. monbeigi應屬於同一類群,但是前者外生殖器卻並不典型。Shirôzu將S. majasra處理為gopala的亞種,但Tsukiyama處理為nymphalis的亞種。颯弄蝶屬近緣屬皆為熱帶分布,颯弄蝶卻分布自爪哇至溫帶的西伯利亞。建構颯弄蝶屬親緣關係可以確立formosibia及majasra的分類地位並且了解颯弄蝶屬的溫帶分布是由熱帶分布至溫帶或原本分布在溫帶。本研究使用COI, COII與Ef1α基因,以最大簡約法、最大概似法與貝式推斷進行親緣關係分析。結果顯示颯弄蝶屬為一個單系群,並且各個種為單系群,可以反映現在的分類是沒有問題。並且更能確定formosibia與monbeigi為同一群。從樹型可知majasra不屬於gopala或是nymphalis的亞種,建議提升為一個種,且颯弄蝶屬是由熱帶分布至溫帶並且適應溫帶的環境。
The phylogenetic relationship is the foundation of biological researches. The family level of relationship of Hesperiidae had been reported, but the phylogeny of genus levels still insufficient. The genus Satarupa is recognized by the transparent spots between veins 2A to R3 on the forewing and large white area in hind wing. Because of the difficulty in identification between the Satarupa species, there is many mis- identification in the publication about Satarupa. Evans recognized 7 species in 1949 and Okano (1987) and Chiba (1989) established genus Satarupa includes 7 species. The species currently identified in the genus is S. valentini, S. zulla, S. gopala, S. nymphalis, S. splendens, S. monbeigi, and S. formosibia. Even more, the gentilia of S. formosibia is unusual as the other species divided with the larvae characters and wing pattern; S. majasra treated as subspecies of gopala by Shirôzu in 1953, but Tsukiyama recognized the characters more similarity with nymphalis. Because the relatives genera of S. distribute in tropical regions, but the genus S. distributes from temperate region to tropical region. Construct the phylogenetic relationship of S. species to realize that what the ancestral region of Satarupa and clarify the states of S. formosibia and majasra. Samplings form the Asia countries, and use the PCR to amplify the target genes, two from mitochondrion: COI and II; one form nuclear, Ef1α. Use the sequence to maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference analysis to construct the phylogenetic tree. The results show that the genus Satarupa is monophyletic group and also the each species. The tree topology suggests that S. formosibia belongs to the group with monbeigi, and S. majasra belongs neither gopala nor nymphalis, and it should rise as a species. The temperate distribution suggests that the adaption from the tropical region to the temperate regions.



分布, 分子親緣關係, 颯弄蝶屬, Satarupa, molecular phylogeny, Satarupa





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