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近年來,英語課堂上多使用提倡以溝通為主的CLT教學法(Communicative Language Teaching)。而本研究將口譯技巧裡的跟讀法融入大專院校的英語課堂中,跟讀法強調培養學生的「聽」和「說」的能力,原用於訓練同步口譯員,而近年也逐漸被使用在英語課堂上。綜觀過去研究,已有研究將跟讀法融入國中和高中的英語課堂中,並指出此練習方式能有效提升學生聽、說能力,也能增進學生學習動力。然而,卻鮮少有針對大專院校學生的英語聽力的研究,目前跟讀法也尚未被普遍使用於大專院校課堂。因此,本研究將跟讀法融入大專院校英語課堂中,藉此瞭解將跟讀融入課堂中,對學生英語聽力以及學習感受的影響。 本研究以質性個案研究為主,量性資料分析為輔的方式,以國防大學學生的英語課堂為研究場域,觀察在課堂中使用跟讀法,學生的反應、態度,並於跟讀單元前後施測聽力測驗,以比較跟讀法對學生英語聽力的影響。同時,輔以問卷調查和訪談,以深入瞭解學生對此一學習方式的感受。研究結果顯示,跟讀法用於該班學生有助於提升其聽力,同時對其學習感受有正向影響。 隨著全球化的趨勢,教育部也一再提出高等教育國際化的必要性,因此英語課堂應採用多元的教學方式,以提升學生課堂參與和學習意願。希望藉由本研究,為後續在英語課堂上使用跟讀法提出可試行的方式,也為未來相關研究提出可進行的方向。
Recently, the CLT (Communicative Language Teaching) method, which emphasizes the importance of communication skills, has been used a lot in English learning classrooms. This study integrates shadowing technique from interpreting skills into undergraduate students’ English learning classroom. Shadowing technique stresses the importance of training students’ listening comprehension and speaking ability. It was originally used to train simultaneous interpreters, and lately, it has been used a lot in English classes. Several previous studies showed that high-school students’ English listening and speaking abilities had improved by using this technique, and this had helped strengthen their motivation for learning English.However, few studies look into the English listening abilities of undergraduate students, and shadowing technique has not been used commonly in undergraduate students’ English class. Therefore, this study aims to look into how the utilization of shadowing technique is going to influence undergraduate students’ English listening abilities and learning perceptions. Methods of qualitative data collection and quantitative research were employed, and subjects of this study were undergraduate students of National Defense University. By observing the class, this study aims to understand students’ attitudes toward the integration of shadowing technique. Additionally, pretest and posttest were given before and after the treatment, to see if the students’ listening abilities would improve by practicing shadowing. Other than that, to get a better understanding of the students’ learning perceptions, subjects were asked to fill in questionnaires and have interviews. Results of the study show that shadowing technique helps with improving students’ listening abilities and has a positive influence on their learning perceptions.Following the trend of globalization, the Ministry of Education is constantly highlighting the necessity of the internationalization of higher education; therefore, it is important that we adopt different English teaching strategies, to increase the students’ motivation for learning English. Furthermore, the study is conducted to impart some wisdom on the integration of shadowing technique into undergraduate students’ English class and provide future research directions.



英語教學, 口譯技巧, 跟讀法, English education, interpreting skills, shadowing technique





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