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National Taiwan Normal University Department of Special Education


本研究根據理論與相關研究提出高職階段中度智能障礙學生自我概念與自我擁護模式,該模式假設個體的自我概念與自我擁護具有關聯性。本研究自編學生自評與導師評量兩種問卷,調查臺灣地區347 位高職階段中度智能障礙學生與116位導師,其中,學生自評問卷的填答類型是融合雙重二分法及圖示等級量表兩種形式來呈現,導師評量和學生自評的問卷並非同一份問卷,題意維持相同,將題項的主詞改成「學生」並且移除溝通圖,填答類型與計分方式是採用李克特四點量尺。本研究目的為檢定自我概念與自我擁護模式在學生自評與導師評量群體之間結構恆等性,了解中度智能障礙學生自評問卷的可行性。本研究運用結構方程模式進行分析,研究結果發現所建構的高職階段中度智能障礙學生自我概念與自我擁護關聯模式得到驗證與支持,而且自我概念與自我擁護模式在高職階段中度智能障礙學生自評與導師評量群體之間具有結構恆等性,表示高職階段中度智能障礙學生自評與導師評量學生自我概念與自我擁護關聯模式的整體架構是一致的。從這些方面來看,高職階段中度智能障礙學生自評問卷是可以接受的。最後,根據研究結果提出各項建議,以供高職階段中度智能障礙學生、家長、教師與輔導工作者實務上及未來研究參考。
Purpose: Based on relevant theories and earlier studies, this study proposed a “selfconcept and self-advocacy model” of high school vocational students with moderateintellectual disabilities (IDs). This model assumed that an individual’s self-concept and self-advocacy are correlated. This study (a) developed self-concept and self-advocacy questionnaires for high school vocational students with moderate IDs; (b) evaluated the compatibility of the collected data and the theoretical model proposed in this study through confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling; and (c) examined the structural invariance across groups. Methods: The initial item pool was developed based on a review of relevant literature and tools. The self-concept and self-advocacy questionnaires comprised 2 scales: the student rating scale (SRS) and teacher rating scale (TRS). Item analyses were used to delete inadequate items and establish reliabilities and validities. Both the SRS and TRS comprised 38 items from the self-concept and selfadvocacy scales. The format scale response of the self-concept and self-advocacy were adapted for students with moderate IDs. Two versions of the SRS were used, and two alternative response scale formats were developed: double binary and graphical. The TRS used a 4-point Likert-type scale. Samples were collected using stratified sampling. A total of 347 high school vocational students with moderate IDs who attended special schools and 116 of their teachers were involved in the study. Results /Findings: The study yielded the following results: (a) the content validity was established by consulting experts and exploring documents; (b) regarding internal consistency, both the SRS and TRS yielded extremely high coefficients (composite reliability); (c) a structural equation model was adopted to examine the factor structure of the “SRS and TRS for high school vocational students with moderate IDs, and the results indicated that this scale performed effe






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