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  根據衛生福利部(2019)的數據,臺灣的聽障者共有122,911人,在所有身心障礙類別中排名第四,《身心障礙者權利公約》提及身心障礙者也有參與休閒運動的權利,在臺灣,最有代表性的運動為棒球,中華職棒(Chinese Professional Baseball League, CPBL)是臺灣第一個成立的職業運動聯盟,至今累積二十九年歷史,總計擁有超過兩千萬的進場人次,轉播技術也蓬勃發展,透過各種轉播介面關注棒球比賽成為球迷的日常。棒球和其他運動一樣是用視覺功能「看」的,而探究不同特性的人觀看行為是近來新興的研究主題,眼動儀研究方興未艾,廣泛應用在許多領域。本研究以臺灣師範大學電機學系自行研發之眼動儀EyeNTNU-p30為研究工具,結合觀看中華職棒賽事之行為與眼動儀測量,觀察聽障與無聽障、不同看球經驗之間的眼動差異,研究問題為:一、透過實景影片瞭解不同組別的研究參與者觀看現場棒球賽的眼動凝視行為;二、探討「聽障與否」對於觀賞棒球轉播的眼動凝視行為之影響;三、探討「觀賞棒球比賽經驗的差異」對於觀賞棒球轉播的眼動凝視行為之影響。研究方法以立意取樣與滾雪球法招募研究參與者,參與者限定為男性,一共取得77名有效樣本,依「聽障與否」、「觀賞經驗」兩項指標為分組依據,將研究參與者分為6組:「聽障、豐富經驗」、「聽障、普通經驗」、「聽障、無經驗」、「無聽障、豐富經驗」、「無聽障、普通經驗」與「無聽障、無經驗」,研究參與者分布為:聽障研究參與者(N=31)、無聽障者(N=46),豐富經驗(N=28)、普通經驗(N=20)、無經驗(N=29)。本研究以無母數檢定與卡方檢定針對眼動數據進行統計分析。研究結果發現:一、轉播畫面部分,豐富觀看經驗者對於「球員數據」區域內感興趣(region of interest, ROI)凝視時間多於無經驗者,具顯著差異(p<.05);二、現場實景部分,豐富經驗與無經驗者的觀看行為亦有顯著差異(p<.05)。以上兩點與許多類似研究符合:相關經驗與先備知識的不同會導致組間有不同的眼動行為;三、無論聽障與否,觀看棒球轉播與現場實景的眼動行為皆無顯著差異(p>.05),與過去比較聽障與否之眼動差異研究有些微出入,研究者判斷可能是實驗類型與性質與本研究不完全相同所致。依據上述研究結果得知:「聽障與否」不構成觀看棒球賽之眼動行為差異、「經驗差異」則有差異,無論是「豐富經驗」或「普通經驗」,皆與「無經驗」組有顯著差異。本研究建議未來可嘗試將研究參與者帶進球場觀眾席,研究真實處於球場內的不同情況(如高張力緊張局面、換局空檔、啦啦隊舞蹈表演)的眼動行為。並且職棒球團應重視啦啦隊的規模與發展,且對於安排廣告於棒球轉播時出現的位置多加留心。本研究結合聽覺障礙、棒球觀看和眼動分析,在臺灣學術界具有一定程度的首創意義。
The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities stated right for people with disabilities to participate in leisure sports and activities, which mean no one, should be excluded from sports, including baseball. Known as the most iconic sports in Taiwan, baseball has established its fan base and has a total of more than 20 million visitors to the arena so far. Combined with the current broadcasting technology, fans can “watch” baseball game at anywhere they want without going to the arena. However, the broadcasting system has some limitation for people with disabilities, especially for people with hearing impairment which is the fourth largest population among the disabilities in Taiwan. Since the audio explanation given by the anchor could not easily be heard. Researcher wonders if this characteristic could affect the audience’s attention and the focus of the game compared to other people. The method for the study uses the eye tracker devices to study the gazing behavior and understand the relation between people with hearing impairment and people without it. The eye tracker device - EyeNTNU-p30 developed by Taiwan Normal University is an accurate tool for tracking down gazing behavior. By using this tool to understand the focus differences between people with different characteristics when watching a broadcasted baseball game, researcher aims to understand the following questions: 1. Through the real-life videos to understand the eye movement gazing behavior of different groups of subjects; 2. To explore the impact of gazing behavior for “hearing impairment” when watching a baseball broadcast; 3. Understand if “baseball experience” would impact the gazing behavior when watching baseball broadcast. The research use snowballing sampling with sampling personnel restricted to male. Researcher recruited 77 subjects and separated them into 6 categories: “hearing impairment with rich experience”, “hearing impairment with decent experience”, “hearing impairment without experience”, “non-hearing impaired with rich experience”, “non-hearing impaired with decent experience” and “non-hearing impaired without experience”. The study uses nonparametric statistics and chi-squared test to analyze the result. Researcher found that: 1. When watching the broadcast, those who have rich experience have more significant gazing time in the region of interest(ROI) than those without experience (p<.05); 2. In the real-life video, there was a significant difference between the rich experience and the inexperienced in gazing behavior (p<.05). The two points mentioned above are consistent with other similar studies: the difference for groups with experience and knowledge will lead to different eye movements compared to group without those two; 3. Regardless of hearing impairment, there is no significant difference between watching baseball broadcasts and eye movements on the spot (p>.05), this finding is inconsistent with other study due to the characteristics of the study is different. Based on these 3 findings, the gazing behavior difference between people with hearing impairment and people without it is not significant; though "experience difference" is different. The study suggests that in the future, the subjects can be brought into the stadium to observe the eye movements of the real-time situation (which has high tension, change of position, cheerleading dance performance). And attach importance to the role of the baseball team to pay attention to the cheerleaders team, and pay more attention to the location where the advertisements appear during the baseball broadcasts. This study combines hearing impairment, baseball viewing and eye movement analysis to have an initial significance in Taiwan academic circles.



中華職棒, 眼動儀, 經驗, 凝視行為, 聽覺障礙, CPBL, eye tracker, experience, gaze behavior, hearing impairment





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