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本研究旨在瞭解學校自主性是否能解釋臺灣公私立國民中學學生成就的差異。過去研究顯示私立學校學生成績較佳,其中制度論觀點指出學校經營特性中的學校自主性高低是影響公私立學校學生成就差異的重要原因,如Chubb和Moe(1990)指出公立學校在政治邏輯運作下,受較多外部機構控制,學校自主性較低,對學生成就較不利,因而主張公立學校市場化,上述理論是否能適用臺灣的情形?臺灣公私立國民中學在地方政府辦理及監督的原則下,學校自主性有何差異?學校自主性與學生成就之間有何關聯?提昇學校在哪些方面的自主性對學生學習有利?皆為本研究關心的議題。   為回答上述問題,本研究以次級資料分析為主,訪談為輔。運用臺灣教育長期追蹤資料庫第一波與第二波的教師、學生與家長的資料,分析臺灣公私立國民中學的學生成就差異、學校自主性差異,及學校自主性與學生成就之關係,並藉由訪談補充量化難以回答的變項運作機制。 以制度觀點的指標進行量化分析後,結果指出臺灣公私立國民中學有制度差異,但學校自主性與學生成就沒有關聯,可知制度論的解釋有限,臺灣升學文化脈絡或學校社會資本的運用可能是解釋學生成就差異的其他原因;亦可能是次級資料分析尚未能找出關鍵因素,如訪談指出彈性的學習時間與活動安排、自主的常規管理可能提昇學生成就。此外,若學校自主性高,卻未用於促進學生學習的目的,則無法彰顯學校自主性的正向效果。除了上述解釋,本研究最重要的發現是,臺灣私立國中在篩選學生上頗具自主性,雖然國外制度論研究中並未納入此一自主性,但是就臺灣而言,篩選學生的自主性才是解釋公私立國中學生成就差異的主要因素,且量化及訪談結果皆支持此一論點。最後,依據研究結論及討論,提出對教育主管機關、國民中學經營、未來研究取向與次級資料庫的建議。
The purpose of this study is to understand the differences in student achievement, school autonomy, and school organizational characteristics between public and private junior high schools, as well as the effects of school autonomy on student achievement. In order to address the questions mentioned above, this study analyzed secondary data using quantitative method. Interview was used as the complementary method. Using the first-wave and the second-wave data of teachers, students and parents from Taiwan Education Panel Study, the findings show that there are organizational differences in school autonomy. However, it has no impact on student achievement, which is different from Chubb and Moe (1990)’s findings, implying that institutional theory is limited when explaining the differences in student achievement in Taiwan. The context of the culture or social capital may be other factors explaining the differences in student achievement. Other variables in the secondary data might need to be added. New Variables such as flexible studying time, flexible activity arrangements, or classroom discipline may explain better student achievement in Taiwan’s private schools. If the degree of school autonomy is high, but it is not used to achieve the goal of improving student studying, it can not manifest the positive effect of school autonomy. Most importantly, student selection is part of school autonomy in Taiwan, and the more autonomy schools have in student selection, the higher the student achievement is. In other words, the autonomy of student selection can explain the differences in student achievement between public and private junior high schools. Based on the research finding, suggestions and discussions of findings are provided.



公私立國民中學, 學校自主性, 學生成就, 臺灣教育長期追蹤資料庫, private and pubic schools, school autonomy, student achievement, TEPS





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