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本研究係以新北市中和高中英語科專業學習社群(英魁工作坊)為研究個案,探究專業學習社群之社會網絡形構,分析專業學習社群之支持性條件,以及探究社群網絡之生成與演化。首先透過Huffman和Hipp(2009)所提出之專業學習社群發展階段理論為基礎,對應該社群之演進歷程,並運用Jackson和Temperley(2007)所提出專業學習社群之網絡、結點與連結的形成理論,探討專業學習社群如何透過「結點」和「連結」形成社群網絡,並分析促進專業學習社群發展之支持性條件,以及社群網絡之行動意義。 本研究採個案研究取徑,以訪談、觀察、文件分析等方式進行資料蒐集,透過研究者對研究資料進行理解、分析與詮釋後,歸納研究結論如下: 一、中和高中英語科專業學習社群(英魁工作坊)之發展歷經「初始」、「執行」、「維持」三階段 二、社會網絡分析可以解釋專業學習社群之演化 三、在「組織結構層面」和「支持性領導層面」提供該社群發展完整的支持性條件 四、社群網絡之行動意義為社會網絡形構開展之重要動力和結果 根據上述研究發現與結論,提出相關建議,以供學校行政單位,教師與未來研究之參考。
The case study describes an English Professional Learning Community (PLC) teacher team in New Taipei City Manicipal Chung Ho Senior High School (CHSHS). The purpose of the study is to explore the social networking configuration of professional learning community, to analyze the support conditions of the professional learning community, and to explore the formation and evolution of the community networking. First, the stage of development of a professional learning community theory Huffman and Hipp (2009) proposed is used to correspond the five stages of the English Creativity workshop. Second, the PLC Social Networking formation theory Jackson and Temperley (2007) proposed is used to explore how PLC forms a PLC network through the "knots" and "threads". Finally, this study try to analyze the support conditions to the development of PLC, and to explore the action meanings of PLC networking. The study uses Case study as the research approach, and the data is collected by interviews, observation, and files analysis. Through the researcher’s comprehension, analysis and interpretation, the results of the study are as follow: 1. There are three phases to the development of the English Creativity workshops, including "Initiation", " Implementation" and " Institutionalization". 2. The Social Networking Analysis can explain the evolution of the professional learning community (PLC). 3. The English Workshop got adequate support conditions in the organizational structure construct and leadership. 4. The action meanings of PLC networking configuration are the important results and driving force to the PLC network. According to the findings and conclusions of this research, the study will propose concerning advices to the school administrators, teachers and future researchers.



專業學習社群, PLC, 社會網絡, 高中英語教師, Professional Learning Community, Social Networking, High School English Teacher





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