

青少年階段是健康行為養成的關鍵期,影響著其未來的健康與生活品質。國內曾進行影響青少年危害健康行為的相關研究多數侷限於一所學校或單一地區,此外,過去研究探討父母行為對子女危害健康行為的影響,多半探討父母行為對兒童行為的影響,較少針對青少年時期。因此,本研究採橫斷研究法,利用「九十年國民健康訪問調查」(National HealthInterview Survey;NHIS)全國性的資料,進行次級資料分析,旨在瞭解影響臺灣地區青少年的危害健康行為的相關因素,亦即探討社會人口學因素(年齡、性別、父母教育程度、父母收入及居住地區)、父母危害健康行為與青少年危害健康行為的關係,以提供教育人員、父母及其他相關單位促進青少年健康之參考。 本研究主要結果如下: 一、 每次駕乘汽車前座未繫安全帶與騎乘機車未戴安全帽兩項行為的比率,女生顯著高於男生,且12-17歲青少年顯著高於18-24歲。 二、 吸菸、飲酒、嚼檳榔、過去兩個星期沒有運動、沒有體重控制及沒有每天吃水果六項行為男生的發生率顯著高於女生,且18-24歲青少年顯著高於12-17歲。 三、 父母教育程度愈低,研究對象出現吸菸、飲酒、嚼檳榔、沒有運動、沒有每天吃早餐、沒有每天吃蔬菜及沒有每天吃水果的危害健康行為的比率愈高。 四、 父親收入低者,研究對象出現吸菸、飲酒、嚼檳榔、沒有運動及沒有每天吃水果的比率較高;母親收入低者,研究對象出現吸菸、沒有運動、沒有控制體重、沒有每天吃早餐及吃水果的比例較高。 五、 父女、父子、母女及母子間危害健康行為的關聯性,以父子間影響為最大,其次為母女與母子間;控制社會人口學因素後,父母危害健康行為對子女危害健康行為的影響,母親影響大於父親。
The purpose of this thesis was focused on investigating the influential factors of risk behaviors related to health among the adolescents in Taiwan. The study discussed the relationship between the social demography factors, risk behaviors related to health of the parents and their teenagers. The social demography factors included age, sex, and education level and income of the parents, and residence location. The results would be used as reference for educational staff, parents and the other institutes related to improvement of adolescents’ behavior. Cross-sectional analysis was adopted in this study with the subsidiary analysis of the national health interview survey (NHIS) published in 2001. The sampling population for this study was 2820 people. It was found that the occurrence probability of the risk behaviors related to health in the male group was significantly higher than that in the female group among the following six aspects – smoking, alcohol-drinking, betel-chewing, rare exercises, uncontrolled weight and not-daily-fruit-eating. The occurrence probability of the risk behaviors related to health in the adolescents from 18 to 24 years old was significantly higher than that in the adolescents from 12 to 17 years old among the following six aspects–smoking, alcohol-drinking, betel-chewing, rare exercises in the past two weeks, uncontrolled weight and not-daily-breakfast-eating. The occurrence probability of the targeted adolescents in risk behaviors related to health was higher with the lowlier-educated parents. Comparing the correlations of the risk behaviors related to health among the father-and-daughter, father-and-son, mother-and-daughter and mother-and-son relationships, it was shown that the father-and-son relationship had highest correlation followed by the relationships of mother-and-daughter and mother-and-son. The mother was found to have stronger influence than the father in the risk behaviors related to health of their teenagers.



青少年, 危害健康行為, 父母危害健康行為, Adolescents, Risk behavior, Parental Risk behavior





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