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本研究旨在探討國中七年級學生接受研究者設計的生命教育融入國中七年 級國文課程後,對於生活價值觀的改變、行為的調整與生命態度之影響,並呈現研究者之課程設計與教學實施過程中的歷程與省思。 本研究採取「行動研究」,研究對象為研究者任教之七年級學生。本研究使用孫效智教授提出的生命教育核心素養五大向度——「終極關懷」、「價值思辨」、「靈性修養」、「思考素養」、「人學探索」進行融入課程之開展,同時參考國中階段十二年國民教育《綜合活動領域課綱》三部分——「自我與生涯發展」、「生活經營與創新」、「社會與環境關懷」作為對照,並搭配教育部:《十二年國教課程綱要國民中小學暨普通型高中議題融入說明手冊》中的指標,設計出四個大單元融入式課程: 一、「自己:枷鎖自己解,貴人就是我!」 二、「家人:我的『好齡感』時代,行孝不能等!」 三、「社會:『Thanksbook』付出無所求,還要說感恩!」 四、「世界:戰爭之後」 以此課程進行教學並從中蒐集研究材料。研究工具包括:教學省思札記、聯絡簿日記、單元學習單等相關質性資料,將以上所得資料加以歸納並進行分析。 本研究根據研究目的,期待歷程與結果能回答事先所提出的問題,包含:一、了解生命教育議題融入國中國文教學的發展現況。二、設計生命教育融入國中七年級國文教學的發展課程。三、探究生命教育融入國中七年級國文教學的實施歷程。四、探究生命教育融入國文教學後對學生的影響與成效。五、建立生命教育 融入國中國文教學可行的歷程模式。 針對以上待解答問題,進行課程設計與實作觀察研究後,有以下五個結論: 一、國中階段生命教育教學的發展以融入方式為主。 二、生命教育融入國文教學宜以學生問題為起點。 三、生命教育融入國文教學應採取多樣化的體與對話。 四、生命教育對學生行為與班級經營有明顯影響。 五、生命教育的融入,宜依照班級特質進行規劃與調整。 於以上結論後有六項歷程省思與五項研究建議。希冀此「生命教育融入國中七年級國文教學研究」的操作歷程與結論建議對未來從事相關研究者有所助益。
This study examines the influence of integrating life education into Mandarin teaching of seventh grade students on their value systems, behaviors, and attitude towards life. In addition, reflections on the principles by which the curriculum was designed and the process of implementing the curriculum are also shared. Action research was adopted in the design of this study. The participants were seventh grade students taught by the researcher. This study approaches the integration of life education into the curriculum from the five dimensions of the core competencies of life education proposed by professor Sun, Hsiao-Chih: Ultimate Concerns, Value Speculation, Spiritual Cultivation, Philosophic Thinking, and Profile of Human. Specifically, based on the three parts contained in the Curriculum Guideline of Integrative Activity Area for 12-Year Basic Education: personal and career development, life management and innovation, social and environmental concern, and the indicators specified in “Curriculum Guidelines of 12-Year Basic Education in National Primary and Secondary Schools and General Senior High School in Language Domain──Integrating Issues Course Handbook,” four life education topics were designed and subsequently integrated into the Mandarin teaching. The topics include, first, Self: Be your own mentor; second, Family: Filial piety should not be delayed; third, Society: giving without asking for anything in return; four, World: after the war. Research materials were gathered after the curriculum had been thoroughly implemented. The research tools included qualitative data, such as teaching reflection journals, contact book diaries, and unit lesson plans, which were then summarized and analyzed. In accordance with the purpose of this study, five research questions have been proposed: first, to understand the current status of the integration of life education issues into Mandarin teaching; second, to design a development curriculum for integrating life education into Mandarin teaching of the seventh grade; third, to explore the implementation process of Mandarin teaching of the seventh grade with life education integrated; fourth, to explore the impact and effectiveness of Mandarin teaching with life education integrated on seventh graders; fifth, to establish a feasible course model for integrating life education into Mandarin teaching. With respect to the research questions, the implications are as follows: first, life education teaching in junior high schools is mainly based on integration approach; second, Mandarin teaching with life education integrated should begin with students’ problems; third, the topics related to life education in Mandarin teaching should include diverse life experiences and issues; fourth, life education has been found to be beneficial to students’ behaviors and class management; fifth, the way to integrate life education into Mandarin teaching should be planned and adjusted according to each individual class’s characteristics. Finally, it is hoped that the aforementioned reflections on the results of this study contribute to the scholarship in this field.



生命教育, 融入式教學, 國中國文教學, 行動研究, life education, integration teaching method, Mandarin teaching in junior high schools, action research





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