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民宿記憶在住宿體驗中扮演重要角色,過去研究證實了體驗品質會透過整體滿意度而影響重遊意圖,但目前文獻較少探討民宿記憶在體驗品質與重遊意圖之間的關係。本研究以三年內有居住過民宿的旅客為研究對象,探討四個變項之間的關係,研究目的:(1) 驗證整體滿意度於體驗品質與重遊意圖的中介變項。(2) 驗證民宿記憶於體驗品質與重遊意圖的中介變項。本研究首先透過資料收集、焦點團體法、專家效度發展成量化問卷,並以滾雪球法發放網路問卷,輔以紙本問卷一同發放,共發出410份問卷,回收400份有效問卷,有效回收率為97.6%,並以項目分析、因素分析、驗證性因素分析、結構方程式進行分析。研究結果發現:
B&B memory plays an important role in lodging experience. In past, the researchers proved that experience quality affects overall satisfaction, and then affects the revisiting intention. There are few researches discussing the relationship among experience quality, overall satisfaction and B&B memory. The objects of study are the consumers who had the lodging experience in B&B in three years. The research discussed the relationships among four variables. There are two purposes of the study:(1) To demonstrate the mediating effects of overall satisfaction between experience quality and revisiting intention. (2) To demonstrate the mediating effects of B&B memory between experience quality and revisiting intention. It developed the internet questionnaire by references, focus grop, and expert validity. The snowball sampling method was used to investgate the consumers who had lodging experience in B&B. There were four hundred valid samples. The research used kinds of statistical analysis including item analysis, factor analysis, confirmatory analysis and structural equation modeling. The main findings of the study were as follows: 1.The experience quality influenced overall satisfaction of B&B consumers. The overall satisfaction hadn't influence on revisiting intension. The overall satiosfaction is not the mediator between experience quality and revisiting intention. 2.The experience quality influenced B&B memory of consumers, and then the revisiting intention was influenced by B&B memory. The B&B memory is the mediator between experience quality and revisiting intention.
B&B memory plays an important role in lodging experience. In past, the researchers proved that experience quality affects overall satisfaction, and then affects the revisiting intention. There are few researches discussing the relationship among experience quality, overall satisfaction and B&B memory. The objects of study are the consumers who had the lodging experience in B&B in three years. The research discussed the relationships among four variables. There are two purposes of the study:(1) To demonstrate the mediating effects of overall satisfaction between experience quality and revisiting intention. (2) To demonstrate the mediating effects of B&B memory between experience quality and revisiting intention. It developed the internet questionnaire by references, focus grop, and expert validity. The snowball sampling method was used to investgate the consumers who had lodging experience in B&B. There were four hundred valid samples. The research used kinds of statistical analysis including item analysis, factor analysis, confirmatory analysis and structural equation modeling. The main findings of the study were as follows: 1.The experience quality influenced overall satisfaction of B&B consumers. The overall satisfaction hadn't influence on revisiting intension. The overall satiosfaction is not the mediator between experience quality and revisiting intention. 2.The experience quality influenced B&B memory of consumers, and then the revisiting intention was influenced by B&B memory. The B&B memory is the mediator between experience quality and revisiting intention.
民宿記憶, 體驗品質, 整體滿意度, 重遊意圖, B&B memory, experience quality, overall satisfaction, revisiting intention