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本研究旨在瞭解民間業者經營臺北市立國民小學游泳池之現況,並探討委外經營後產生之問題並提出解決策略。本研究以2009年8月至2010年7月,經營臺北市國民小學游泳池之5位負責人為研究對象,採取半結構式訪談(semi-structured interview)方式進行調查,綜整研究發現所得結論如下: 一、民間業者經營之國小游泳池共同的優勢為溫水且泳池大小及深度適合游泳教學;但多數學校游泳池並沒有相關附屬設施,且因少子化及臺北市國小落實游泳教學以及面臨公私立游泳池及運動中心之競爭,營運辛苦。 二、民間業者經營期間主要面臨問題:(一)學校對委外經營的觀念不足;(二)契約內容不明確;(三)相關法令未臻完善;(四)主管機關未建立審核制度、學校游泳池委外市場飽和;(五)游泳池出入口不獨立、設施不夠多元、硬體設施品質不佳;(六)教育局要求開設暑期游泳訓練班,壓縮業者獲利空間。 三、民間業者經營困境之解決策略:(一)校方建立委外經營之共識,並將業者視為合作夥伴,積極協助解決困難;(二)地方稅款由臺北市政府全額負擔,並通過立法提供民間業者申請相關經費補助;(三)教育局建立學校委外審核、追蹤制度或採包裹式(游泳池加體育館、停車場)委由民間業者經營運動場館;(四)教育局採開放態度辦理暑期游泳訓練班。 基於以上結論,建議學校在新建或是整建游泳池前,評估適合對外開放營運的因素,以符合市場需求性,增加民間業者參與經營的誘因。除此之外,在民間業者的人力及財力許可之下,不妨可在相同條件之地區人口數、人口密度及學校游泳池條件下,同時經營數所學校游泳池,以降低營運成本,擴大其經濟規模。
The purpose of this research was to explore current condition of outsourcing management at elementary school in Taipei City.The subjects were 5 folk participants of outsourcing management who were responsible for 8 school swimming pools in Taipei City. Participants were exmanied by the method of semi-structured interview from Augest 2009 to July 2010. Findings were summarized as follows. 1.The advantages of outsourcing management were water temperature of swimming pool and appropriate size for swmming teaching. However, they did not have relevant accessory equipments, and have been challenged by private schools and the phenomenon of fewer newborns. 2.Folk participants faced with some problems. That were, (1) insufficient notions of outsourcing management, (2) unclear contact contents, (3)imperfect of relevant laws, (4) supersaturated folk participants of outsourcing management, (5) inappripate setting of exist doors, bad hardware facilities. (6) Bureau of Education to have summer swimming course, that decrease industry of folk participants. 3.Four strategies were provided by folk participants to solve the problems which were (1) Establishing common notion of operation of devolution and view folk participants as a partner in order to solve problems cooperatively, (2) The tax should offer by Taipei City Government, and apply subsideies for folk participants. (3) Bureau of Education should build the system of outsourcing management of swimming pools. (4) Bureau of Education should be open to handle summer swimming course. As indicated above, it is suggested that schools should consider which strageries are the best ways to open market of outsoursing management before building swimming pools in order to meet the needs of the market and to increase participation of folk particiants of outsourcing management. Besides, folk particiants also need to concern the number of population, density of population under the permission of finance and manpower supports. Meanwhile, they should need to operate several swimming pools at different school so as to decline the cost and expand the business.



學校游泳池, 委外經營, OT, school swimming pool, outsourcing management, Operate-Transfer





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