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本土化翻譯一直是臺灣動畫配音的重要策略,片商在譯文中融入方言、流行語等在地元素,以此作為行銷手段吸引臺灣觀眾。1996至2015年間,臺灣政治環境的改變及伴隨而來的民族意識抬頭帶動了台語熱潮,同時期也出現不少臺灣國語配音的經典角色。本論文以該時期出品的《史瑞克》和《冰原歷險記》為研究文本,探討臺灣國語攜帶的人物特質、適合的角色類型,又帶來什麼戲劇效果,並歸納添加臺灣國語的配音翻譯策略。本研究發現,使用臺灣國語配音的角色多為喜劇角色(comic relief character)和主角的跟班(sidekick),性格傻氣討喜,為整部作品增添不少笑料;使用臺灣國語則進一步增強了這類角色帶來的娛樂效果,並讓臺灣觀眾倍感親切,但同時也容易加深臺灣國語的刻板印象。臺灣國語配音翻譯策略則可以分為運用臺灣特有的音韻特色、添加句尾助詞和感嘆詞、使用簡單台語詞彙和短語、塑造口頭禪等四大層面,讓角色對白更生動有趣,拉近觀眾與作品的距離。不過,現在臺灣國語已漸漸失去熱度,未來的配音譯者可能需要另尋其他可以吸引臺灣觀眾的口音。
Localization has been an important strategy for dubbing translation in Taiwan. Many dubbing studios in Taiwan exploit local elements such as dialects and buzzwords in dubbing translation as a marketing strategy to attract Taiwanese audiences. During 1996 to 2015, political power shifting in Taiwan and the accompanied ethnic consciousness awakening elevated the status of Taiwanese, and many classical characters were dubbed in Taiwan Guoyu (not to be confused with Taiwanese Mandarin) in the same period. This study analyzes the dubbing translation of films from that period, Shrek and Ice Age, aiming to define the characteristics that Taiwan Guoyu brings along, the types of characters it suits, the dramatic effect it may introduce, and the strategies involving the addition of Taiwan Guoyu in dubbing translation.This study finds that Taiwan Guoyu often goes with comic relief characters and sidekicks who are silly but likable, and are responsible for many of the comedic scenes in the films. The usage of Taiwanese Guoyu enhances the comedic nature of such characters and creates a sense of familiarity for Taiwanese audiences, but may enhance people’s stereotype on Taiwan Guoyu as well. The translation strategies involving the addition of a Taiwan Guoyu can be categorized into four aspects: utilizing phonological features of Taiwanese Mandarin and Taiwan Guoyu, adding sentence-final particles and interjections, and using colloquial Taiwanese terms or catchphrases, some of which are adopted by certain characters as signature phrases. The addition of a Taiwan Guoyu in dubbing translation not only renders character dialogue more amusing and lively but also narrows the gap between the audience and the work. However, Taiwan Guoyu has gradually lost its attraction recently, thus dubbing translators might need to find another accent that attracts Taiwanese audiences in the future.



配音翻譯, 翻譯策略, 臺灣國語, dubbing translation, translation strategies, Taiwan Guoyu





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