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摘 要
本研究旨在探討不同背景變項之國中學習障礙學生自我概念與同儕接納態度的現況與差異情形。以中部地區四縣市(含台中市、台中縣、彰化縣與南投縣)之學習障礙學生259人及其同儕508人為研究對象,並以「國中學生自我概念量表」及「國民中學學生同儕知覺量表」為施測工具進行問卷調查。所得資料以平均數、標準差、t 考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關及Scheffe法等統計方法加以處理與分析。綜合本研究之結果如下:
Abstract The main purpose of the study was to explore the relations between background variables and self-concept as well as peer-accepted attitudes of junior high students with learning disabilities (LD). Participants consisted of 259 LD students and 508 peers. Data were collected through researcher-designed instruments including “Inventory of Self-Concept by Junior High School Students” and “Inventory of Peer Awareness by Junior High School Students” obtained data were analyzed by means of means, standard deviations, student’s t test, ANOVA, Pearson correlation, and Scheffe post hoc test. Main findings were listed as follows: The global self-concept of LD students, in general, were directed kind of toward positive. Of the 4 scales, physiological self was the highest, followed by social self and emotional self, with the scholastic self as the lowest. In terms of variables, gender showed the significant difference, with female higher than male. Educational placements were also significant, so were family functions. With respect to correlations, self-concept total was significantly correlated with physiological, emotional, social and scholastic self. Also correlated was gender versus social self, educational placement versus physiological self, family functions versus total, physiological, emotional, and scholastic self. With regard to peer acceptance, the whole scale was positive, with most in behavior, followed by emotion, and the cognition as the least. In terms of background variables, grades achieved significance across cognition, emotion and the whole scale. The whole scale was correlated with cognition, emotion and behavior. Also correlated were in grades versus whole scale. Based on the above findings, conclusions were addressed and suggestions were further discussed for institutions and future studies. Key words: Learning disabilities, self-concept, peer-accepted attitudes
Abstract The main purpose of the study was to explore the relations between background variables and self-concept as well as peer-accepted attitudes of junior high students with learning disabilities (LD). Participants consisted of 259 LD students and 508 peers. Data were collected through researcher-designed instruments including “Inventory of Self-Concept by Junior High School Students” and “Inventory of Peer Awareness by Junior High School Students” obtained data were analyzed by means of means, standard deviations, student’s t test, ANOVA, Pearson correlation, and Scheffe post hoc test. Main findings were listed as follows: The global self-concept of LD students, in general, were directed kind of toward positive. Of the 4 scales, physiological self was the highest, followed by social self and emotional self, with the scholastic self as the lowest. In terms of variables, gender showed the significant difference, with female higher than male. Educational placements were also significant, so were family functions. With respect to correlations, self-concept total was significantly correlated with physiological, emotional, social and scholastic self. Also correlated was gender versus social self, educational placement versus physiological self, family functions versus total, physiological, emotional, and scholastic self. With regard to peer acceptance, the whole scale was positive, with most in behavior, followed by emotion, and the cognition as the least. In terms of background variables, grades achieved significance across cognition, emotion and the whole scale. The whole scale was correlated with cognition, emotion and behavior. Also correlated were in grades versus whole scale. Based on the above findings, conclusions were addressed and suggestions were further discussed for institutions and future studies. Key words: Learning disabilities, self-concept, peer-accepted attitudes
學習障礙, 自我概念, 同儕接納態度, learning disabilities, self-concept, peer-accepted attitudes