臺灣會議口譯專業化初探研究: 利害關係人對資格認證之觀點

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口譯一職目前在台灣仍未真正享有專業地位,許多人對口譯持有錯誤觀感,客戶也不明白如何與口譯員合作。因此,如何將口譯推向專業化的下一個進程,以期有朝一日真正獲得社會認可,取得專業地位成為口譯職業的目標。文獻指出,透過認證制度,能達成從業人員品質控管、建立專業指標、提升職業能見度等目地。這是專業化過程中不可或缺的一環 。本研究目地即在探討政府口譯認證制度對口譯職業專業化究竟有何幫助,是否能夠滿足口譯員即口譯產業中其他相關團體的要求,讓口譯專業真正得到社會認可。本研究採用深度訪談法,收集口譯相關團體對口譯評鑑制度即口譯專業化進程之觀察與意見。結果指出,大多數的受訪者認為口譯評鑑制度對專業化的確有幫助,不過前提是評鑑制度必須具有信度即效度才能真正達成目地。目前口譯表現的評量尚未有具體方法及規則。評審多依賴經驗法則及自由心證來決定口譯品質的好壞。如此一來,測驗結果就無法完全令人信服。認證制度也就缺乏公信力,無法真正為口譯員品質把關,幫助口譯專業化。因此,不論認證制度優劣,現階段口譯評鑑制度對口譯一職之專業化進程幫助不大。
The conference interpreting profession in Taiwan does not enjoy the professional status of a full-fledged profession. It is of this study’s interest to find out how the conference interpreting profession can move on to the next stage of professionalization and in time become a full-fledged profession. To solve the challenges arise during professionalization, quality control mechanisms such as reputation or accreditation are adopted to control quality, admission, set up clear professional standards and create evaluation indicators for all groups related to the professional activity. The conference interpreting profession also has to face these challenges and adopt the most suitable mechanism if it is to become a true profession. This study looks at the potential impact government accreditation as quality control mechanism has on the conference interpreting profession and the other participants of conference interpreting activities. To this end, the study gathered information through qualitative interview approach from groups related to conference interpreting activities. The results suggest that government accreditation will facilitate the progress of professionalization only if the test is reliable and valid. Presently the evaluation of conference interpreting performance is still largely based on experience and inner conviction and the conference interpreting discipline is still building its theory base. Accreditation tests that do not have root in standard professional requirements and demands will not be reliable and valid. Therefore, government accreditation may not benefit the conference interpreting profession greatly at this stage.



會議口譯, 口譯員, 技術士技能檢定, 專門職業與技術人員考試, 評鑑制度, 專業化, Conference Interpreting, interpreters, certification, licensure, accreditation, professionalization





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