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企業欲開拓潛在顧客的新市場時,必須瞭解潛在顧客其未消費行為導因,找出共同點,因此研究者進行調查超級籃球聯賽現場觀賞潛在顧客的人口統計變項、生活型態與未消費行為導因,目的為瞭解研究對象之背景與未消費行為導因及其間是否有差異。人口統計變項包含性別等八項,生活型態參考Plummer提出之AIO量表來衡量消費者在生活上支配行為及金錢的方式,未消費行為導因參考Gould 等專家學者的研究概念再以Mowen的消費行為導因分類分成個人特徵、情境和產品特性三大未消費導因。對沒有到現場觀賞過超級籃球聯賽的潛在顧客發放問卷且回收有效問卷共424份,以回收結果進行研究對象的樣本描述、生活型態、未消費行為導因、及人口統計變項與生活型態及未消費行為導因間的差異,生活型態與未消費行為導因間的關係。結果分析討論後作出研究結論如下。
The sports events hosted in Taiwan have met the decline during recent years; super basketball league (SBL) is one of them. The hosts of these sports events in Taiwan need investigate why people do not buy tickets and sit in the game sites to enjoy the charming of sports events. According to the authors of the book Blue Ocean Strategy who say that “the business should escape from the traditional notion to focus on existing customers, because they risk creating too-small target markets; they should focus on people who have never consumed the products or services which of yours”. Hence, the researcher suggests that the prospects should be the target group and need to discover why they do not consume and attend the sports events. The researcher investigates the demographics, lifestyle and the causes to non-consumption in questionnaire. The demographics include gender etc.; the scale of lifestyle refers to Plummer’s AIO variables; the scale of non-consumption behavior antecedents include individual, situation, product three parts refers to the theories of Gould etc. The total numbers of effecitive returning samples who have never attended SBL are 424 items; the researcher conducts the statistic analysis to cope with the data of questionnaire. The conclusion after result analysis is as follow: 1. Most prospects in the research are male, 20-29 years old, university education background, students, unmarried, under 30,000 dollars income/month, 1-2 times sports frequency/week, usually watch SBL television relay. 2. The lifestyle of most prospects are “enthusiastic growth group”and “average growth group”. 3. Most prospects think the three kinds of non-conumptionbehavior antecedents make them not to attend the SBL. 4. The prospects that have different demographic variables have different lifestyle. 5. The prospects that have different demographic variables have different non-consumption behavior antecedents. 6. The prospects that have different lifestyle have different non-consumption behavior antecedents. According to the conclusion, researcher does the implication and suggestion for future study.
The sports events hosted in Taiwan have met the decline during recent years; super basketball league (SBL) is one of them. The hosts of these sports events in Taiwan need investigate why people do not buy tickets and sit in the game sites to enjoy the charming of sports events. According to the authors of the book Blue Ocean Strategy who say that “the business should escape from the traditional notion to focus on existing customers, because they risk creating too-small target markets; they should focus on people who have never consumed the products or services which of yours”. Hence, the researcher suggests that the prospects should be the target group and need to discover why they do not consume and attend the sports events. The researcher investigates the demographics, lifestyle and the causes to non-consumption in questionnaire. The demographics include gender etc.; the scale of lifestyle refers to Plummer’s AIO variables; the scale of non-consumption behavior antecedents include individual, situation, product three parts refers to the theories of Gould etc. The total numbers of effecitive returning samples who have never attended SBL are 424 items; the researcher conducts the statistic analysis to cope with the data of questionnaire. The conclusion after result analysis is as follow: 1. Most prospects in the research are male, 20-29 years old, university education background, students, unmarried, under 30,000 dollars income/month, 1-2 times sports frequency/week, usually watch SBL television relay. 2. The lifestyle of most prospects are “enthusiastic growth group”and “average growth group”. 3. Most prospects think the three kinds of non-conumptionbehavior antecedents make them not to attend the SBL. 4. The prospects that have different demographic variables have different lifestyle. 5. The prospects that have different demographic variables have different non-consumption behavior antecedents. 6. The prospects that have different lifestyle have different non-consumption behavior antecedents. According to the conclusion, researcher does the implication and suggestion for future study.
超級籃球聯賽, 現場觀賞, 潛在顧客, 生活型態, 未消費行為導因, Super Basketball League, Game Attendance, Prospects, Lifestyle, Non-Consumption Behavior Antecedents