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為探究教師實踐學習共同體對專業發展的影響及教師實踐學習共同體歷程中,促進其專業發展的因素。本研究以質性取徑,透過半結構式訪談蒐集資料,選取有學習共同體實踐經驗之教師。受訪者為新北市106學年度參與「學習共同體學校實施計畫」,以及臺北市101~105學年間曾參與「學習共同體及授業研究試辦計畫」或「學習領導下的學習共同體計畫」,且在計畫結束後,直至106學年仍持續實踐學習共同體之國中教師,共訪談五校7位教師。 本研究之研究結論為:一、實踐學習共同體能促進教師反思教學目標、改變課程設計重點與課程準備方式,並改變引導學生學習的方法,以促進學生有效學習;二、實踐學習共同體能改變教師班級經營思維,以促進師生互動與學生同儕關係;三、實踐學習共同體能提高教師增能的意願,並促進教師實施教學研究;四、教師對專業發展的需求、對學習共同體理念的認同及感受到學生學習風景的改變,能推動其透過實踐學習共同體以促進教師專業發展;五、教育主管機關、學校及同儕的支持,能有助於學習共同體的推動並促進教師專業發展。最後,依據研究結果提出建議。
To discuss the effect of teachers’ practice of learning community on the professional development and the factors in the professional development during the practice of learning community, the qualitative research with semi-structured interview is preceded for collecting data from teachers with experiences in the practice of learning community. Seven junior high school teachers participating in “learning community school practice program” in the academic year of 2017 in New Taipei City and in “learning community teaching research pilot program” or “learning community program under learning leadership” in the academic years of 2012-2016 in Taipei City and continuously practicing learning community in the academic year of 2017 are interviewed. The following research conclusions are proposed in this study. 1. The practice of learning community could enhance teachers reflecting the teaching objectives, changing the curriculum design points and course preparation methods as well as change the way to guide students’ learning so as to enhance students’ effective learning. 2. The practice of learning community could change teachers’ thoughts about classroom management to enhance teacher-student interaction and students’ peer relationship. 3. The practice of learning community could enhance teachers’ willingness to empowerment and facilitate teachers’practice of teaching research. 4. Teachers’ requirement for professional development, identity to the idea of learning community, and perception of students’ changes in the learning atmosphere could promote the professional development through the practice of learning community. 5. Education authority, school, and peer support could assist in the promotion of learning community and the enhancement of teachers’ professional development. According to the research results, suggestions are eventually proposed.



學習共同體, 教師專業發展, 教師專業成長, learning community, teachers' professional development, teachers' professional growth





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