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  商務旅遊對世界各地許多目的地的經濟體都非常重要。「商務旅遊」也被稱為會展產業,包括小型會議、獎勵旅遊、大型會議和展覽。過去已經針對獎勵旅遊的運作方式以及激勵效果進行研究,但是對於印度的旅行社業者如何選擇獎勵旅遊目的地尚未被探討。此研究旨在探討印度旅行社選擇獎勵旅遊目的地的考量因素,並瞭解印度獎勵旅遊的形式和差異。本研究為質性研究,為了達到深度訪談的效果,本研究於2018年1月12日至26日前往印度孟買、新德里和哲雪舖執行,利用半結構深入訪談法,與5家印度獎勵旅遊之旅行社、1位與旅遊行銷公司、以及參與曾到臺灣和其他亞洲國家進行獎勵旅遊的公司和其2位員工。資料蒐集方式為滾雪球以及立意抽樣,獎勵旅遊之旅行社訪談對象皆符合國家旅遊局和相關機構授權的合格旅遊經營者為研究樣本。   透過內容分析法進行分析,研究調查結果實證了住宿、目的地可達性、新穎性、預估風險、匯率、當地支援、目的地形象和額外的會議機會等八個選址因素會對選擇獎勵旅遊目的地的規劃者產生輕微或直接的影響。然而,飲食和預算是印度企業最重要的考慮因素,與其他市場-中國、澳洲和美國不同。本研究建議,與MICE相關的政府部門應該為跨文化獎勵旅行規劃做好充分的調查與理解。此外,目的地形象推廣是獎勵旅遊規劃者選擇目的地的第一步。由於印度的獎勵旅遊規劃人員不熟悉臺灣,當地支援和目的地管理公司可以邀請來自印度的公關來臺體驗並維持關係,並將更多的重點放在印度作為潛在市場。未來研究應探索不同國家獎勵旅遊目的地選址因素和未來的營銷策略。
This study aims to examine these site selection factors in the incentive travel context and identify how incentive travel is planned in India. This research is an exploratory qualitative research, using semi-structural and in-depth interviews with 5 incentive travel organizers, 1 public relations professionals, company and staff who have participated in incentive travel. The data collecting method is snowball sampling and purposive sampling.  The finding examines the ten site selection factors which are accommodation, accessibility of destination, novelty, perceived risk, currency, local support, destination image, and extra-conference opportunities would influence slightly or sharply operators on selecting an incentive destination. However, the food and budget are the most important considerations for Indian corporate which differs from other markets. This study suggests government and bureau relating to MICE should get well prepared for cross-cultural incentive traveler, according to Indian culture. In addition, destination image promotion would be another effort for planners to select a site for incentive program. Since incentive planners in India are not familiar with Taiwan, local support/ DMC could look for public relations professionals from India as a connection, and put more focus on India as a potential market. Further study should explore the site selection in different countries, and marketing strategies.



獎勵旅遊, 目的地選址, 印度, 深度訪談, incentive travel, site selection, India, in-depth interview





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