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許多研究顯示發展教育改革的進步與教師個人及群體的教育知能息息相關,更是學校變革能力及促進學生學習的關鍵,因應103學年度十二年國教的到來,教育當局訂定102學年度為「教師專業發展行動年」,希望透過此年度的教師總動員,為十二年國教有更好的準備,而教師專業學習社群(Professional Learning Community, PLC)更被當局視作教師專業成長支持系統之一 (教育部,2013)。
研究結果顯示教師專業學習社群的社會資本蘊含著三種型態面-關係、資源及行動。隨著社群性質的不同(自發性 vs. 計畫主導性),其社群社會資本發展的模式亦不相同。倘若三種型態的能量齊聚,則較易展現社群社會資本之效能,形塑出使社群永續發展的社群歸屬感。而學校領導則為活化社群社會資本的重要推進力。由個案學校之例,研究者進一步發現教師間的社會關係,尤其是信任,是教師專業學習社群持續發展的基石。其所促成學校組織文化氛圍的改善,是為學校革新的脈動之輪。
According to the research, it suggests that education reform progress depends on teacher’s individual and collective capacity for promoting pupils’ learning. Nowadays, professional learning communities (PLCs) has become a hot reforming approach in many counties. Due to the government policies, such as “Teacher Professional Development Evaluation” and “School Actualization Program”, PLCs have been one of methods for curriculum innovation or teacher development in Taiwan high schools. More and more PLCs took root in many schools little by little. Over the past decades, the concept of PLCs has gained increasing attention in teaching quality and thereby in student learning outcomes. However, the researches on teachers’ professional relationships that shape and influence PLCs are scarce. Hence, this study adopts a social capital perspective to investigate teachers’ professional relationships in one of senior high schools in Taipei and its influence as elements that characterize professional communities. In order to realize the genuine development of the social capital in PLCs, the researcher used case study methods of interviews, observation, and study of related documents. Based on the research analysis, it indicates that the social capital of professional learning communities (PLC social capital) includes three domains: relationship, resources, action. The variances of community characteristics (spontaneous vs. policy-related) would lead to different capital development modals. With the convergence of these three domains, it is highly possible that the power of PLC capital could transform into the sense of community to promote the sustainability of PLCs. Beside, school leadership also plays important role to empower the development of PLC social capital. To sum up, the research shows that teacher social relationship, especial trust relationship, is crucial in the sustainability of PLCs, and also becomes a cornerstone to empower school reform.
According to the research, it suggests that education reform progress depends on teacher’s individual and collective capacity for promoting pupils’ learning. Nowadays, professional learning communities (PLCs) has become a hot reforming approach in many counties. Due to the government policies, such as “Teacher Professional Development Evaluation” and “School Actualization Program”, PLCs have been one of methods for curriculum innovation or teacher development in Taiwan high schools. More and more PLCs took root in many schools little by little. Over the past decades, the concept of PLCs has gained increasing attention in teaching quality and thereby in student learning outcomes. However, the researches on teachers’ professional relationships that shape and influence PLCs are scarce. Hence, this study adopts a social capital perspective to investigate teachers’ professional relationships in one of senior high schools in Taipei and its influence as elements that characterize professional communities. In order to realize the genuine development of the social capital in PLCs, the researcher used case study methods of interviews, observation, and study of related documents. Based on the research analysis, it indicates that the social capital of professional learning communities (PLC social capital) includes three domains: relationship, resources, action. The variances of community characteristics (spontaneous vs. policy-related) would lead to different capital development modals. With the convergence of these three domains, it is highly possible that the power of PLC capital could transform into the sense of community to promote the sustainability of PLCs. Beside, school leadership also plays important role to empower the development of PLC social capital. To sum up, the research shows that teacher social relationship, especial trust relationship, is crucial in the sustainability of PLCs, and also becomes a cornerstone to empower school reform.
社會資本, 教師專業學習社群, 信任, 學校革新, social capital, professional learning communiity, trust, school reform