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The photo-taking impairment effect refers to the phenomenon where taking photos leads to poorer memory of the photographed objects. Previous research has demonstrated that photographing exhibits in museums can impair memory performance. This study aims to mitigate the photo-taking impairment effect by enhancing self-relevance and interest during the photo-taking process. In Experiment 1, we examined how viewing exhibits, photographing exhibits, and taking selfies with exhibits influenced memory performance. The results indicated that memory performance in the selfie condition was superior to that in the viewing condition, whereas there was no significant difference between the photo-taking and viewing conditions. Experiment 2 further elucidated the impact of self-relevance and enjoyment on memory performance. The findings revealed that high self-relevance or high-interest interaction modes both contributed to improved memory performance, and the combination of both factors resulted in the highest interactive engagement experience for visitors. The results of this study suggest that designing photo-taking methods that incorporate elements of self-relevance and enjoyment can differentially affect memory performance. These findings provide valuable insights for the design of exhibitions and promotional activities in educational and cultural venues.
The photo-taking impairment effect refers to the phenomenon where taking photos leads to poorer memory of the photographed objects. Previous research has demonstrated that photographing exhibits in museums can impair memory performance. This study aims to mitigate the photo-taking impairment effect by enhancing self-relevance and interest during the photo-taking process. In Experiment 1, we examined how viewing exhibits, photographing exhibits, and taking selfies with exhibits influenced memory performance. The results indicated that memory performance in the selfie condition was superior to that in the viewing condition, whereas there was no significant difference between the photo-taking and viewing conditions. Experiment 2 further elucidated the impact of self-relevance and enjoyment on memory performance. The findings revealed that high self-relevance or high-interest interaction modes both contributed to improved memory performance, and the combination of both factors resulted in the highest interactive engagement experience for visitors. The results of this study suggest that designing photo-taking methods that incorporate elements of self-relevance and enjoyment can differentially affect memory performance. These findings provide valuable insights for the design of exhibitions and promotional activities in educational and cultural venues.
記憶減損效應, 自我關聯性, 趣味性, 記憶表現, Photo-taking Impairment Effect, Self-Relevance, Enjoyment, Memory Performance