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過去研究發現,創造力與高敏感特質、幽默感之間有兩兩直接或間接的相關,而上述三者亦均與藝術創作有其關聯性。然而綜觀國內研究現況,目前少有針對「藝術工作者」族群探究其高敏感特質、幽默感對其創造力表現的影響;尤其「高敏感特質」一概念甫在國內萌芽,亦缺乏相關的研究成果。是此,本研究旨在了解影響藝術工作者創造力之變項,以及與非藝術工作者之間的差異比較-本研究納入高敏感特質與幽默感兩項進行探討,以及了解藝術工作者與非藝術工作者其創造力之差異與關聯,並且進一步檢驗高敏感特質與幽默感在不同組別與創造力之間的中介效果。本研究以全臺灣之藝術工作者351位與非藝術工作者321位為研究對象,透過網路平台問卷調查的方式進行採樣。以「創意活經驗量表」、「多向度幽默感量表」、「高敏感特質量表」三份量表為研究工具。依統計分析結果,獲得以下結論:一、藝術工作者與非藝術工作者在創意生活經驗與美學敏感度的表現顯著 優於非藝術工作者。 二、藝術工作者與非藝術工作者的創意生活經驗與高敏感特質、幽默感之間有 所相關。 三、美學敏感度會形成組別與創意生活經驗間的中介變項。 最後,依據研究結果討論本研究貢獻和價值,並對未來研究及藝術教育實務提出建議。
According to past research, it has found that there is a direct or indirect correlation between creativity, high sensitivity traits, and sense of humor. In particular, the above three are also related to art creation. However, few studies focused on the influence of high sensitivity traits and sense of humor on artists’ creation, especially, high sensitivity traits which is a new concept in Taiwan and lack of related research. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to understand the factors that affect the creativity of artists, and the comparison with non-artists. Furthermore, this study examines the mediating effects of the highly sensitivity traits and sense of humor between different groups and creativity.In this study, 351 artists and 321 non-artists from all over Taiwan are recruited,and samples are collected through a questionnaire survey on an online platform. Three scales are used as research tools:"Creative Life Experience, "Multidimensional Scale of Humor", and "Highly Sensitive Person." According to the results of statistical analysis, the following conclusions are obtained: 1. Artists and non-artists are significantly better than non-artists in creative life experience and aesthetic sensitivity. 2.There is a correlation between the creative life experiences of artists and non-artists and their high sensitivity and sense of humor. 3. Aesthetic sensitivity forms a mediating variable between groups and creative life experience.Finally, discuss the contribution and value of this research based on the research results, and provide suggestions for future research and art education practices.



藝術工作者, 高敏感特質, 幽默感, 創造力, artists, highly sensitive traits, sense of humor, creativity





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