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1945 年二戰結束後,韓半島便以北緯 38 度線被一分為二,南北分別成立大韓 民國與朝鮮民主主義共和國,形成分裂之勢至今。儘管韓半島分裂已逾 70 年,統 一議題與兩韓關係一直是韓國政府施政的中心之一,韓國也透過教授統一教育以 培養與建立學生對於統一議題的認識與對韓民族共同體的認同。在漫長的分裂之 中,儘管兩韓關係經歷了國內外許多變動,韓國卻未放棄培養學生將北韓視為同 胞的認知。
因此,本論文透過分析朴正熙至盧武鉉的北韓教育內涵與道德科教科書內容, 以理解北韓教育實際的內容,進而了解統一教育是如何形塑學生對於韓民族共同 體的認知。藉由道德科教科書的內容可以發現,北韓教育主要是透過強調韓國與 北韓擁有共同的祖先──檀君、共同的歷史、文化與語言等元素,將連結兩韓人 民成為韓民族共同體的成員,並形塑受教者對於韓民族共同體的認同。
After the end of the World War II, Korea peninsula has been divided into two countries, Republic of Korea aka South Korea and Democratic People's Republic of Korea aka North Korea. Although the division has continued over 70 years, the unification issue and the policies toward North Korea are still crucial for South Korea government. Therefore, South Korea tries to build a concept that North Korea people are also our people by teaching unification education to the South Koreans. Through their long division, no matter how many conflicts happened in these two countries, South Korea never gives up acknowledging their students that North Koreans are their compatriots. This thesis aims to articulating the purposes of the education toward North Korea by analyzing its contents in the morality textbooks from Park Chung-hee government to Roh Moo-hyun government. In order to create the bond between South Korean and North Korean, we can see how the education toward North Korea builds the Korean identity, including the common ancestry- Tangun , and the shared history, culture and language.
After the end of the World War II, Korea peninsula has been divided into two countries, Republic of Korea aka South Korea and Democratic People's Republic of Korea aka North Korea. Although the division has continued over 70 years, the unification issue and the policies toward North Korea are still crucial for South Korea government. Therefore, South Korea tries to build a concept that North Korea people are also our people by teaching unification education to the South Koreans. Through their long division, no matter how many conflicts happened in these two countries, South Korea never gives up acknowledging their students that North Koreans are their compatriots. This thesis aims to articulating the purposes of the education toward North Korea by analyzing its contents in the morality textbooks from Park Chung-hee government to Roh Moo-hyun government. In order to create the bond between South Korean and North Korean, we can see how the education toward North Korea builds the Korean identity, including the common ancestry- Tangun , and the shared history, culture and language.
韓國, 反共教育, 統一安保教育, 統一教育, 韓民族, Korea, Anti-communist Education, Unification and Security Education, Unification Education, Ethnic Koreans