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臺北市天母古道登山健行者休閒參與行為、參與動機及休閒滿意度之研究 完成年月:2013年1月 研 究 生:簡新添 指導教授:朱文增 中文摘要 本研究目的在瞭解臺北市天母古道登山健行者的參與動機、休閒參與行為、休閒滿意度情形。參考相關研究編製動機量表及休閒滿意度量表,共回收有效樣本 485 份,研究結果發現: 一、男女分佈比例接近,受訪者健康狀況都在尚可甚至更佳態,顯示登山健行活動能帶來身體健康的好處。二、參與動機以「健康休閒」與「運動紓壓」兩構面之平均數最高。三、休閒參與行為以「與同伴前往」居多,且以「公共運具或步行」為主要交通方式,所需交通時間以「一小時內」比例最高,多數「每週參與不到 1 次」,活動時段以「上午8~11點」最多並以「假日」為主,活動時數多在「1~2 小時」,身體感受上多數覺得「輕鬆」。四、休閒滿意度之構面平均數均在中高以上,顯示參與者有良好的休閒滿意度,其中以「放鬆紓壓」最高。五、學歷較高者之「成就認同度」、社會教育之休閒滿意度較高中職以下者低。身體感受上,女性及年輕人感到累的比例高於男性及長者。六、參與次數越頻繁其感受之「生理因素」的滿意度也越高。與「朋友同事」一同前往在「社會教育」上的休閒滿意度大於「單獨一人」前往。而活動中若太疲累,所獲得的休閒滿意度反而會降低。七、參與動機各構面與休閒滿意度間皆有顯著相關,顯示動機越強烈所獲得之休閒滿意度越高。 根據以上結論,本研究建議: 一、參與登山健行活動雖可促進健康,但必須量力而為才能達到放鬆紓壓在選擇休閒活動時若能提升參與者的參與動機,對休閒滿意度亦有正面助益。二、未來研究建議,休閒領域中有地方依附 (Place Attachment) 之概念,意即在休閒地之民眾與他區民眾對於休閒場域有不同看法,建議可納入未來研究之考量。
A Study on Leisure Participation Behaviors, Motivation and Leisure Satisfaction among Hikers in Taipei Tienmou Trails Date: January, 2013 Student: CHIEN, Hsin-Tien Adviser: CHU, Wen-Tseng Abstract This study sought to understand the motivations, leisure participation behavior, and leisure satisfactions of the hikers at Tienmou Trails with 485 effective questionnaire samples. The study used Beard and Ragheb’s Leisure Satisfaction Scale (1980) which measures 4 factors including: Social Education, Relaxation, Aesthetic, and Physical. Additional references to related studies were used to create the motivation scale. The study showed that: Both genders have similar proportion in participation, showing that the sampling data is a sound approximation to the population. The hikers were all in good health condition, showing that hiking can be beneficial for one’s physical healthiness. “Recreation” and “Relaxation” were the most two common motivations among the sample data hikers. In terms of participation behavior, most participants came with companions via public transportation or walking to the entrance. On average, the transportation time was less than one hour, with participating frequency less than one time per week. Most common time was between 8 to 11 am and during weekends, and usually with a period of 1 to 2 hours. Most participants felt relaxed after hiking. The four factors of the leisure satisfaction scale were all in the mid-high range, demonstrating that Tienmou Trails provided hikers with decent leisure satisfaction. Among the four factors, relaxation had the highest score on average. Participants with a graduate degree had lower score in the Social Education and Accomplishment factors than those with a high school degree or below. In terms of physicality, women and teenagers were more prone to fatigue than men and elders. The more frequent one participated in hiking, the higher he/she scored in the physical satisfaction factor. Participants with companions had higher Social Education satisfaction than those who hiked alone. Excessive hiking will lead to tiredness and decreases one’s overall satisfaction. There existed a significant correlation between motivation and satisfactions; namely, the stronger the motivation, the higher the satisfaction one gets after hiking. In conclusion, this study suggested the following: Generally, hiking activities could improve one’s healthiness; the hikers should, however, hike according to their own abilities in order to achieve relaxation. While promoting hiking activities, enhancing the motivation of the participants would be beneficial for their overall satisfactions. Most participants were residents of Shih-Lin District, the effect of “place attachment”, which says that local residents will have different opinions regarding Tienmou Trials than outside residents, was, however, not taken into account in this study. Future studies can aim to discover the effect of such factor.



休閒參與, 參與動機, 休閒滿意度, 古道, leisure participation, motivation, leisure satisfaction, trails





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