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在全球化歷程中,各國無不展開一系列的人才培育政策,尤其是基礎教育階段的教育改革備受關注。面對社會急遽的變遷,芬蘭政府亦制定2016年綜合學校國家課程綱要,並以橫向跨領域和改變學校文化為這次課程綱要改革的重點。 芬蘭國家課程綱要的形成與執行有賴於中央、地方與學校三層級間的合作,因此2016國家課程綱要政策的制定,並非由中央集權的方式決定課程改革的方向與內容,而是在來自地方政府、學校、教師工會、家長聯盟、大學等利害關係人,透過反覆的溝通、合作,最終得以確認此次的課程改革政策之基本架構。 本研究旨在瞭解2016芬蘭國家課程綱要政策發生的原因,以及政策制定的條件與模式。研究者採用半結構式訪談,到芬蘭採訪11位參與政策制定的利害關係人,並輔以文件分析作為訪談語料之補充。 研究結果分為三個部分,關於課改政策形成的因素主要有區域發展不均、男學童學習意願較低、歐盟深化帶來的改變、以及學生是否具備未來的能力。本研究繼而藉由制度邏輯觀點,耙梳2016芬蘭國家課程綱要政策形成的條件,包括: (一) 國家教育署雖為課程綱要的主要制定機關,卻以集體動員的方式,建立課綱政策之共識; (二) 國家教育署在集體動員過程中,透過組織邊界開放法則與建構學習型組織作為其政策制定的領導策略; (三) 國家教育署與各個參與政策制定的利害關係人,彼此的互動是在信任與平等的文化中展開。 最後,本研究從制度邏輯觀點中的同化與破例實踐進行分析,發現2016的課程改革內容在不同面向上,呈現有不同程度的破例實踐現象,包括: (一) 課改政策中針對既有教育問題多依循往例,在制度邏輯觀點的分析上,較偏向同化實踐; (二) 橫向跨領域課程架構是奠基於過去芬蘭校本課程所向前推進,為介於同化與破例實踐之間的政策調整; (三) 數位科技融入課程跳脫過去政策格局,較為趨向破例實踐。
In the era of globalization, cultivation of talents demands a series of educational reform worldwide. The basic education has become the main target of policy intervention. In response to the rapid social changes, Finnish government made efforts on 2016 curriculum guidelines reform, aiming to provide transversal learning experiences to students, and to promote educational quality as well equity at comprehensive schools. In 2012, the Finnish government kicked off a new policy making process of its National Core Curricula. After two years, the Finnish National Agency for Education published the 2016 National Core Curricula Guidelines. Owing to the autonomy of educational power shared between the central and the local government bodies, and also between local governments and schools, the Finnish National Agency for Education developed close relationships with stakeholders in order to facilitate a successful policy making process. To building shared visions and to nurturing a collaborative working pattern have become vital for the Finnish National Agency for Education to engage the public from 2012 to 2014. In order to investigate the dynamic changes in the policy making process from 2012 to 2014, eleven participants via snowballing accepted semi-structured interviews. Two Finnish official documents were also been employed to supplement field data. The research aimed to explore how the Finnish National Agency for Education mobilized and motivated all stakeholders and what were the key process, conditions, and policy-making model of 2016 Finnish National Core Curricula. The findings revealed the critical factors that helped to shape the National Core Curricula on four aspects: the educational gap widened in Finland, Finnish boys as low achievers, the change from the Europeanization, and the preparation for the future skills and competences. Moreover, as a mobilizer, Finnish National Agency for Education achieved the consensus of new curricula policy with open-coordination across organization boundaries and establishing a learning complexity in the culture of trust and mutual collaboration. To conclude the research, this thesis indicated that varying anomalous practices took place in the different practice fields under the guidelines of 2016 curricula reform.



芬蘭教育, 芬蘭國家教育數署, 國家課程綱要, 制度邏輯觀點, Finnish Education, Finnish National Agency for Education, National Core Curricula, Institutional Logics perspective





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